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This is the best sign that your COVID vaccine is working

This is the best sign that your COVID vaccine is working


Minor side effects that some people experience after getting COVID vaccine Don’t be afraid, experts say. These actually indicate that the shot is working properly.

“Because the vaccine is given in the arm, it causes a systemic reaction. After the second dose, you may feel a little pain or a little chill, so your immune system is really recovering. Means. ” Dr. Anthony FauciIn an interview with MSNBC, President Biden’s leading infectious disease specialist and chief medical adviser.

Vaccines work by teaching the immune system to recognize and produce antibodies. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Peplomers latch into cells of the body. The ineffective protein prevents the virus from replicating exponentially and causing the disease.

It is that process that can cause side effects for some people. According to the CDCThe most commonly reported side effects of the COVID vaccine include pain, redness and swelling at the injection site. Fatigue; headache; muscle aches; fever; chills; and nausea. (On the other side of the coin, the absence of side effects does not mean that the vaccine is ineffective.)

Fauci said he experienced fatigue and mild body aches and chills after two doses of the Moderna vaccine, which disappeared in less than a day. In the second shot of the double-dose regimen, the immune system recognizes the invaders introduced in the first shot and assembles to repel it, raising body temperature and causing or inducing fever. Some people later experience strong side effects. Inflammation that can manifest as pain or malaise in the body.

Relation: Dr. Fauci said this was the best vaccine to get

This means “a very robust immune response”

One of the interesting side effects is the “COVID arm”. This has been reported in a few people vaccinated with Moderna vaccine and a few people vaccinated with Pfizer jab. It usually takes the form of a red rash that appears one week (or more) after vaccination.

According to experts, it doesn’t have to worry. In fact, it’s a sign that the vaccine is working optimally. “The COVIDs are basically not an abnormal response to the vaccine,” Dr. Charles Webb, MD, an allergist in Boise, Idaho, told Idaho 6 News. “It just reflects that we have a very strong immune response, that is, your immune system knows what we have injected into you.”

If you have side effects such as fever or malaise, the CDC recommends drinking plenty of fluids and resting. The agency advises that arm pain can be treated with a cold, damp compress and used or exercised. Rashes can be treated with antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (benadryl) and pain can be treated with acetaminophen (tyrenol), Webb said.

Relation: Doctors say “don’t” this after your COVID vaccine

How to survive this pandemic

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent the acquisition and spread of COVID-19 in the first place. Please wear a face maskIf you suspect you are infected with the coronavirus, take a test, avoid crowds (and bars and house parties), reduce social distance, do only what you need, wash your hands regularly, and often Disinfect the surface that touches and survive this pandemic in the healthiest condition.Don’t miss these 35 locations most likely to be infected with COVID..

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