NEW: Clark County reports a 4.2% test positive rate, slightly below the Nevada rate.

Las Vegas (KLAS)- Clark County’s 4.2% COVID-19 test positive rate was stable for two consecutive days. According to data released on Sunday, it is slightly below Nevada’s rate.
The state test positive rate is 4.3%, which is the same as the previous day. It fell below the 5% WHO target for the first time a week ago since June 19, 2020. It has dropped sharply from 21.6% on January 14th.
No new COVID-19-related deaths were reported in Nevada the other day, but one was added to Clark County’s total, according to the health district. Nevada’s most populous county now accounts for 4,096 of the state’s 5,236 deaths. Currently, the 14-day moving average is 4 deaths per day.
According to the data, 143 new COVID-19 cases in Nevada included 142 from Clark County. The total number of cases in the state is currently 303,061. Clark County has a total of 234,031. Since January 30, the total number of cases per day has fallen below 1,000.
According to the Immunization Dashboard, 437,471 people are currently fully vaccinated in the state.
Coronavirus vaccine data, updated biweekly by the state health department, show that nearly 14% of the state’s population is vaccinated. This number should increase rapidly in the coming weeks.

Currently, there are 300 COVID-19 patients in the state.
According to the Department of Health and Welfare, 5,835 tests were conducted on the final day.

Clark County was removed from the flagged Nevada County list on Wednesday, March 3, for 20 consecutive weeks. The county case rate (210 per 100,000 in the last 30 days) is above the state target, but the tests (227 tests per 100,000 per day) and test positive rate (4.2%) are currently within state tolerances. ..
On March 12, it was the first time in more than six months that the county was not flagged with a daily tracker on the DHHS dashboard.
Vaccination renewal
The Vaccinations tab on the DHHS dashboard has been updated Vaccination number Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.Click here View dashboard.. Be sure to click on the Vaccinations tab below the current status tab.
State Health Department Report 1,191,726 times The COVID-19 vaccine was administered in Nevada. As of March 25.. Of the total dose in Nevada, 875,503 was administered in Clark County.
The county added vaccination information to it Daily dashboard updates On Friday, 875,503 doses were given and 312,156 vaccinations were reported to be completed.
So far, nearly 14% of Nevada’s population has been vaccinated.

Click here to find out when and where you can get the COVID-19 vaccine.
The following is Saturday’s full COVID-19 report, march 27.
Nevada hospitalization
Note: The state has not updated hospitalization data, including ICU unit or ventilator patient counts. Sunday Or holiday..
The state health department has not uploaded data for the last 24 hours. The following hospitalization report is for Friday, March 26th.
According to the state Department of Health and Social Welfare (DHHS), The number of hospitalized patients in Nevada up According to data released on Saturday, on Friday.
The number of hospitalizations increased by 25 on the last day, The current total is 300 confirmed / suspicious cases..
(Note: Daily statistics from NHA will no longer be available after February 26th. Updates will be provided every Wednesday in the future.)
Detailed information from Nevada Hospital Association (As of March 24):
The NHA report mentions progress in reducing hospitalizations. “Since the Nevada Hospital Association began tracking these numbers almost a year ago, Nevada falls to the lowest total (confirmed and suspected) of hospitalized COVID-19 patients (n = 292)!”
“The confirmed decline in COVID-19 cases continues in the 13th week, although the rate of decline has slowed,” NHA reports in a weekly summary of the 13th week. “About 15 weeks ago, the number of confirmed cases requiring hospitalization was 1,857, which exceeded 2,000 when COVID-19 was confirmed and suspected.”
Emergency department visits for COVID-19-related symptoms remained in the 8-9% range
Of all visits.
The state set a record high for 2,025 inpatients on December 13.
Top 5 | Number of hospitalizations (state-wide) | Reporting date |
1 | 2,025 | December 13 |
2 | 2,008 | December 15th |
3 | 2,001 | December 22 |
Four | 1,996 | December 20th, December 21st |
Five | 1,988 | December 29 |
ICU / Ventilator Data on Friday, March 26:
There are 74 patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) throughout the state, an increase of 12 from the previous day.
The DHHS report showed 43 patients on mechanical ventilation, an increase of 2 from the previous day.

Nevada Cases, Tests, Deaths
Currently, there are 303,061 confirmed cases and 5,236 COVID-19-related deaths in Nevada, with 143 new cases reported on the final day.
Since January 30, the total number of cases per day has fallen below 1,000. The state set a record of 3,402 COVID-19 cases on January 6.
The largest daily increase in COVID-19 cases in Nevada is as follows:
Top 5 | COVID-19 Number of Cases (State-wide) | Reporting date |
1 | 3,402 | January 6 |
2 | 3,194 | December 4th |
3 | 3,159 | November 24 |
Four | 3,063 | December 8th |
Five | 2,988 | December 22 |
DHHS has not reported any new COVID-19-related deaths throughout the state. The 14-day moving average of daily deaths is currently 4.
Nevada surpassed 5,000 on March 3.
“Remember that the mortality rate we see corresponds to cases diagnosed up to 5 weeks ago,” Nevada Health Response said in a news release.
State recent updates COVID-19 daily death graph (On the DHHS dashboard[死亡率の傾向]Tab) shows the highest number of deaths, with 48 dead on January 11th and 47 dead on December 22nd.
Nevada DHHS states that it is important to note that death reports are often delayed. Cumulative daily deaths are displayed by date of death, not the date the death was reported to the state. The total number of deaths across states in the first tab is Equal to the total number of cumulative deaths per day, as the exact date of death is unknown or awaiting reporting.
The maximum number of COVID-19-related deaths recorded per day in Nevada is:
Top 5 | Deaths (state-wide) | Reporting date |
1 | 48 | January 11 |
2 | 47 | December 22 |
3 | 46 | December 18 |
Four | 45 | December 10th 9 |
Five | 43 | January 6th 20 |
As of Saturday, a total of 2,932,906 tests were conducted in Nevada, with an increase of 5,835 over the last 24 hours.
After a steady decline for two months, Nevada’s COVID-19 test positive rate is now less than 5%, in line with the World Health Organization’s goals.
The average reported test positive rate for 14 days is 4.3% as of Saturday. The rate fell below 5% on March 20th.
Nevada’s mitigation efforts are working, as state test positive rates have continued to decline since January 14, and most of the state’s COVID-19 data, including hospitalizations and cases, continue to decline. Is shown.
The World Health Organization advises the government that the positive rate of the test should be kept below 5% for at least 14 days before resuming.
* Note: Daily lab data from DHHS and SNHD reports The day before..

Clark County Cases, Tests, Deaths
Of the 143 new COVID-19 cases in Nevada, about 99% (142) were reported in Clark County on Saturday. Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) on Sunday.
There are currently a total of 4,096 deaths, 234,031 confirmed cases, and 14,391 hospitalizations, according to the Nevada Southern Health District dashboard. Updated daily..
One death was reported in Clark County on the final day. The latest report states that the health district killed 175.8 people for every 100,000 people in Clark County.
SNHD data shows that 1,102 positive cases Reported in the county in the last 7 days.
Approximately one-third (32.6%) of cases reported in Clark County are Hispanic and are the most affected ethnic group in the region, with nearly half (45.6%) of positive cases reported in the county. The age group is 25-49 years old. ..

SNHD includes the number of pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) in its daily report. Eleven cases were reported in January and 12 cases in February. So far in March, seven new cases have been reported, the latest being March 25, for a total of 61 cases.
All of these cases were reported in children younger than 14 years, all of whom were COVID-19 positive.
MIS-C is a condition in which various parts of the body, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, and gastrointestinal organs, can become inflamed.
According to the health district, MIS-C is rare and is still being studied by the CDC to learn more about it and its impact on children. Although there is no known cause, many children with MIS-C had close contact with the virus that causes COVID-19, or with infected people.
Recovery case
The number of people recovering from the virus in Clark County continues to grow. The latest county update estimates a total of 224,557 recovered cases. According to this, this is 96% of all cases reported in the county. Latest report of SNHD..
Health district provides Daily map containing the number of positive tests for each zip code in Clark County..
UNLVCOVID-19 Case Update
UNLV updates the graph and records new cases each weekend.
According to the latest report, four new COVID-19 cases were recorded last week, four of which were students, with no staff, no faculty or staff. Since UNLV began tracking COVID-19 data on March 25, 2020, a total of 760 cases, including both students and employees, have been recorded.
Click here to view UNLV’s COVID-19 report.
Nevada COVID-19 Mitigation Efforts
On February 11, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak announced a “safe resumption plan.” This began on Monday, February 15th, with the capacity limit for certain businesses and activities raised to 35% or 50%. This is determined by the risk level.
On March 12, the Governor announced: Starting March 15th, the capacity for large gatherings will increase..
Based on Directive 041, from March 15th, if the organizer wants to host a large gathering or event of more than 250 people, such as meetings, conventions, trade fairs, etc., when completed and submitted, the capacity will be up to 50%. There is a possibility. Large-scale rally COVID-19 preparation and safety plan certification form (“Large-scale rally certification”) To the Ministry of Business and Industry (B & I).
The baseline criteria for meetings and events will remain at 250 or 50%, whichever is less, after March 15.
The reopening plan will increase capacity to 50% on March 15 for almost all businesses and activities, and on May 1, the decision will move from the state to the local government.

More details:

Nevada is now Vaccine Playbook 3rd Edition, Outlines the state’s plans to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine to residents.
Governor Sisorak continues to urge the public not to give up wearing masks or social distance.
Related item: Previous day’s report
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