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Early studies show that babies are more likely to get antibodies from vaccinated mothers.National

Early studies show that babies are more likely to get antibodies from vaccinated mothers.National



Virginia Beach, Virginia — There were many eyes when Rachel Holy stepped into the old Macy’s at Military Square Mall and was vaccinated with the first COVID-19 vaccine.

She was 39 weeks pregnant.

Hurley was eligible to take a shot because he was expecting as well as suffering from an autoimmune disease. Therefore, the 38-year-old Norfolk mother applied as soon as possible after discussing with her doctor.

Three days after the first shot, she gave birth to her second daughter, Quinn, and took the second shot last week.

Quinn, who is nearly a month old, may now also benefit from the vaccine. Early results from studies around the world show that babies may receive COVID-19 antibody in utero or through breast milk from vaccinated mothers.

According to the Miami Herald, babies born in South Florida three weeks after their mother was vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine were born with antibodies. I learned when two pediatricians examined their mother’s cord blood. Another baby was born with antibodies in Colorado in February, a few weeks after her mother was vaccinated.

A study in Israel on lactating women receiving the Pfizer vaccine has yielded promising results.

Doctors knew that mothers infected with the virus could pass antibodies to their newborns, so they wanted to be able to protect their expected mothers after vaccination.

At first, it was unclear if they should get it, as the vaccines were not tested in pregnant women when they first received an emergency permit from the Food and Drug Administration. But since then it has changed.

According to Brenner, several organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Breast Nutrition, and the American Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology, are helping to vaccinate especially high-risk pregnant and lactating women.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Board on Immunization Implementation reported that, with the exception of smallpox and yellow fever, vaccines given to lactating mothers did not affect breastfeeding safety.

Holy is breastfeeding Quinn and wants her baby to protect her antibodies.

Early results give hope to field experts.

Dr. Michel Brenner, medical director of Kings Daughters Milk Bank at Kings Daughters Children’s Hospital, is considering similar studies around the world, including a Norwegian group of scientists studying antibodies in breast milk samples.

“If the mother is vaccinated at the end of pregnancy, she will provide immediate protection when her foetation and baby are born, which will reduce her or her family members by someone else in the nursery. “Brenner, also a pediatrician and professor at the Eastern Virginia Medical College, said.

“It’s a good idea to consider getting vaccinated during pregnancy, especially for high-risk mothers.”

Originally from northern New York, Harley wanted to make the best decision for her and her baby. She didn’t have much information available when the vaccine was first approved, but within a few months, studies showed that it was better to do it than not.

She thought it would be more dangerous not to get vaccinated. “Healthy mothers, healthy babies, I think that’s the way I think about it,” she said.

Dr. Margarita de Vesiana, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Eastern Virginia Medical School, likens a woman to the flu or TDAP vaccine during pregnancy and her body begins to protect against the disease.

Give these antibodies after childbirth or if you are breastfeeding your baby. She said it made a lot of sense, as if she had been vaccinated with other vaccines during her pregnancy.

However, experts do not know how long the antibody lasts, or whether it is sufficient to protect the baby if the baby is exposed to the virus.

“These are all unanswered questions and I’m confident that there is research to consider them at this time,” said de Veciana.

Still, it’s better than no protection.

“If a mother is vaccinated at the end of pregnancy, she will provide immediate protection when her foetation and baby are born, which will reduce her or her family by someone else in the nursery.” Brenner said.

“It’s a good idea to consider getting vaccinated during pregnancy, especially for high-risk mothers,” she said.

De Veciana agreed and said there was no reason to believe that pregnancy would adversely affect a woman’s response to the vaccine.

“It is certainly proven that the baby builds an immune response before it actually gives birth, so trying to get the baby’s antibodies through the placenta gets vaccination and protection for the baby rather than breastfeeding. Probably a good way to go. “She said.

However, she says that breastfeeding for the first few weeks after childbirth may not yet protect the baby, as it takes weeks for your body to build the proper antibody response. Said.

Brenner wants to work with EVMS researchers to study antibodies in donor milk at a milk bank. Milk banks collect donor milk and feed it to severely premature or severely ill babies.

Milk banks have a surplus, including mothers who know they are infected with the virus and mothers who have been vaccinated.

“We actually monitor all the milk we have left, all the milk still in the freezer from the past few months, and look at mothers who didn’t know they were infected to see if they had antibodies. It’s very interesting to check, it’s a kind of way to do population surveillance, “Brenner said.

Therefore, there are still many questions, but experts say it is encouraging to detect antibodies in the baby’s blood.

Hurley was willing to take risks in the name of protecting his baby.

“I don’t know when a young baby can be vaccinated on his own because these tests haven’t been done yet. Therefore, the immunity I can transfer to her is better.”

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