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Horses may want to recognize themselves in the mirror and pretend to be themselves.

Horses may want to recognize themselves in the mirror and pretend to be themselves.


New research has found that horses have the intelligence to recognize themselves in the mirror.

Scientist from Italy When I noticed it was in the mirror, I drew a small letter X on the faces of the 11 animals that tried to remove it.

This finding means that horses, along with primates, may be one of the most self-aware creatures on the planet.

It has been pointed out that some other species, such as elephants and bottlenose dolphins, are aware of themselves, but scientists do not know if the entire species has that ability.

This study, published in the Animal Cognition Journal, suggests that horses have the same self-awareness found only in primates.

The findings were published in the journal Animal Cognition.

Dr. Paolo Baragli of the University of Pisa, Italy, said: ‘Here we report the first evidence of mirror self-awareness at the group level in non-primatological species.

Marks were placed on both cheeks because the horse’s panoramic field of view did not cover this area of ​​the head. Therefore, Mark could only be seen by horses tested by Miller’s guidance.

“Our horses used the surface of the mirror to guide their movements towards the previously marked face and showed that they could recognize themselves in the mirror. They were able to recognize themselves in the mirror, before they were marked. I followed a series of action steps towards the mirror.

“Our horses, in the presence of reflective surfaces, engaged in head movements, peeping, tongue protrusions, and other contingencies similar to those reported in other species.”

Letter X was drawn on the horse’s face off the eyeliner with ultrasonic gel

Most animals first checked behind the mirror looking for other horses in the pen.

First, 14 animals from the Italian Horse Conservation and Rescue Center in Tuscany, Italy were videotaped when they encountered a mirror.

At first, I thought it was another animal and played with it, or showed aggression. Another horse showed fear.

Eleven of the 14 people checked as if they were looking for someone behind the mirror and later moved their heads to see that the reflexes were the same.

Some people had their tongue sticking out.

Some horses were initially aggressive towards their reflexes, but scientists say they eventually noticed it was in the mirror.

Eleven of them tapped X on the surface of the gel used for ultrasound.

Later, they were recorded and eventually attempted to remove shapes that would not have been visible without the stall mirrors.

The report says: ‘The horses tested in our pilot study showed some behavioral patterns, depending on the presence of reflective surfaces that were not performed under other conditions.

So which other creatures perceive their own reflexes?

Bonobos, chimpanzees, orangutans and gorillas have all passed the mirror test.

In 2001, a pair of bottlenose dolphins were seen using a mirror to look at the marked parts of their smooth body.

Scientists have also observed Asian elephants looking at themselves in the mirror and exhibiting various reaction behaviors in response to body markings.

The magpie was the first non-mammalian species known to recognize itself in the mirror, as experiments have shown it to respond to reflective marks.

The first fish to recognize themselves was the cleaner wrasse, a small tropical reef fish.

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