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COVID-19 causes loss of taste because the infection targets cells in the mouth: Study

COVID-19 causes loss of taste because the infection targets cells in the mouth: Study



A team of researchers discovered it COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) When it causes the coronavirus, it infects the cells in the mouth, causing tastelessness, dryness, and in some cases blisters.

covid-19 mouth iStock

It has already been established that the lungs and upper respiratory tract are hotspots COVID19 infection, However, This study provides clues that the virus can also infect cells in other parts of our body and affect areas such as the digestive system and blood vessels...

Researchers were trying to find out where in the saliva the new coronavirus originated. Indeed, in people with respiratory symptoms, sputum and runny nose may be associated, but this could not explain the presence of people without respiratory symptoms.

Details of oral tissue

To dig deeper, (Studies published in Nature Medicine) Researchers have investigated the oral tissues of healthy individuals to identify sensitive areas of the mouth. SARS-CoV-2 infection.. Vulnerable cells contain RNA instructions to create the “entry points” needed for the virus to enter the cell. The RNAs of two major entry proteins, called the ACE2 receptor and the TMPRSS2 enzyme, were present in the salivary glands and in a small portion of the gingiva or gingival cells.

The RNA of the enzyme mentioned above is also found in the same cells, indicating that the virus is becoming more vulnerable because it is believed that both entry points are required to access the cells. In addition, the researchers found that the expression level of the invading factor was similar to the tissue lining of the nasal cavity of the upper respiratory tract, which is a common entry point for new coronaviruses.

After identifying the areas of the mouth that are susceptible to SARS CoV-2, they COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection).. From a sample collected by NIH in a dead COVID-19 patient SARS CoV-2 RNA It was present in more than 50 percent of the salivary glands they saw..

Scientists have also discovered specific sequences of viral RNA that indicate that cells are actively making new copies of the virus. After finding evidence of oral tissue infections, they sought to understand if those tissues could be the cause of the virus in saliva. It contained SARS CoV-2 RNA and RNA for protein entry.

covid-19 mouth Paola Perez, PhD, Warner Lab, NIDCR

Is saliva infectious?

To test whether this saliva is infectious, they exposed the saliva of asymptomatic COVID-19-infected individuals in a dish with the saliva of an uninfected individual and of two volunteers. I have seen saliva cause infection of healthy cells. Symptoms may be transmitted by saliva alone.

Next, to understand the relationship between oral symptoms and the virus in saliva, the team collected saliva from another group of 35 NIH volunteers with mild or asymptomatic COVID-19. Of the 27 people who experienced the symptoms, those who contained the virus in saliva were more likely to report loss of taste and smell.

Anthony R of the American Dental Association Science Institute. Kevin M. Byrd, Volpe Research Scholar and one of the authors of this study, explains: It also infects the throat, lungs and even the intestines with SARS-CoV-2. ”

Blame Warner, assistant clinical researcher and chief of the NIDCR Salivary Gland Disease Unit, said: Infectious disease and course of illness. Such information may inform interventions to combat the virus and may alleviate the oral symptoms of COVID-19... “


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