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Limited protection against reinfection over age 65

Limited protection against reinfection over age 65


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A new study is investigating reinfection with SARS-CoV-2.Picture Alliance / Getty Images
  • Studies show that the first infection with SARS-CoV-2 provides only 47% protection against a second infection over the age of 65, while 80% protection is obtained in all age groups. ..
  • These findings underscore the importance of physical distance and vaccination, even among people already infected with COVID-19.
  • The study found that the level of protection against reinfection was stable for more than 6 months.
  • However, new variants of the virus were not considered. When infected, the immune system against reinfection may be weakened.

An important factor in determining how quickly life returns to normal after a pandemic is how easily people can reacquire SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Although proven cases of reinfection are extremely rare, the most comprehensive population-based studies to date suggest that the risks may be greater than scientists initially thought.

The study, drawn from the records of millions of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests conducted in Denmark in 2020, found that early infections provided about 80% protection for all age groups. ..

However, for individuals over the age of 65, protection against reinfection was reduced to 47%.

“Our findings show how important it is to implement policies to protect older people during a pandemic, as older people also experience symptoms of serious illness and are more likely to die sadly. It’s clear if there is one, “said the senior research author. Dr. Steen EtherbergStatens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.

“Given that it is at stake, the result is that people, even if they are already infected with COVID-19, can comply with the measures taken to keep themselves and others safe. It emphasizes how important it is. “

Scientists know that the elderly’s immune system does not respond very strongly to infections and vaccinations. This is known as immune aging.

In the early days of the pandemic, Denmark offered free, relatively fast PCR tests to anyone who wanted it, regardless of symptoms.

As a result, in 2020, 4 million people (more than two-thirds of the population) were tested for a total of 10.6 million people.

As a result, researchers found that the percentage of individuals who tested positive in the first wave of infection (March 1, 2020 to May 31, 2020) was in the second wave (September 1, 2020 to December 2020). I was able to determine if it would be positive again (until 31st).

Of the 11,068 people who tested positive in the first wave, only 72 (0.65%) tested positive again in the second wave.

After adjusting for other variables, researchers found that this equaled overall protection against recurrent infections of 80.5% in all age groups.

In the second analysis, researchers focused on the initial infection and reinfection that occurred at any time of the year. This confirmed a similar overall protection of 78.8%.

However, among people over the age of 65, the first infection provided only 47.1% protection against the second infection.

More positively, the overall level of immunity to reinfection appeared to persist for at least 6 months.

“Both the closely related coronavirus SARS and MERS have been shown to provide immune protection against reinfection lasting up to 3 years, but to understand the long-term effects of COVID-19, COVID-19 Needs continuous analysis of. [people’s] Chance [catching the infection] Again, “said the co-author of the study. Daniela Michlmayr, Ph.D. , He is also from the Statens Serum Research Institute.

The results of the study are now Lancet..

Accompanying How article, Professor Rosemary J. Boyton and Professor Daniel M. Altman of Imperial College London, UK, write that many will find the results of this study “relatively alarming.”

“Generally, protection from reinfection is only 80%, reduced to 47% in people over the age of 65, raising concerns over the numbers provided in previous studies,” they write. ..

They conclude:

“All of these data confirm, if necessary, that in the case of SARS-CoV-2, the desire for protective immunity from natural infections may be out of our reach. A global vaccination program with high-efficiency vaccines is a permanent solution. “

The authors of the new study acknowledge some limitations of their study.

For example, most PCR tests were done before the emergence of new, more contagious strains of the virus. These strains may be good at evading existing immunity and therefore increase the risk of reinfection.

Researchers also point out that people who already know they are infected with the virus are less likely to seek another test and take precautions such as wearing a face mask. ..

However, when researchers refocused their analysis on healthcare professionals who were at high risk of infection but likely to follow infection control guidelines, the defense against reinfection was 81.1%. This is almost the same as the general public.

The virus can also remain in the body for several months after a positive test result. This may explain some of the second positive tests.

However, when researchers restricted comparisons with the test on the first and second waves of the pandemic at least every four months, the apparent protection from reinfection was about the same, at 82.8%.

Importantly, this study does not shed light on whether the first infection protects a person from a severe second infection (as opposed to a person who has few or no symptoms).

The Danish register usually records only the test results of people, not the symptoms.

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