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Study: Adolescents more likely to become addicted after trying marijuana or misusing prescription drugs

Study: Adolescents more likely to become addicted after trying marijuana or misusing prescription drugs


A Survey Guided by National Institute of Substance Abuse (NIDA) Adolescents (ages 12-17) claim they are more likely to develop substance abuse disorders after attempting Marijuana Or misuse of prescription drugs.

“Studies show that brain development continues into the twenties, and the age at which the drug begins is a very important risk factor for developing addiction,” said Emily B. Dr. Einstein said. -Research author. “This underscores the importance of drug use prevention and substance use or abuse screening in adolescents and young adults. Providing timely treatment and support to young people in need of it is public health. Must be a priority. “

The study reports that within 12 months of first cannabis use, 10.7% of adolescents had a cannabis use disorder. Within 12 months of initial prescription drug misuse: 11.2% of adolescents had prescription opioid use disorder, 13.9% of adolescents had prescription stimulant use disorder, and 11.2% of adolescents had prescription tranquilizer use disorder.

“We know that young people are more likely to develop substance use disorders, but the prevalence of certain substance use disorders has increased over time since the first substance use or misuse among adolescents and young adults in the United States. Knowledge of how it changes is limited, “he said. NoraVolkow, MD, NIDA Director, and Lead Author of Analysis. “Not all people who use drugs develop addiction, but adolescents can develop substance addiction earlier than young adults. This study shows that the brain develops more fully. Provides further evidence that delaying drug exposure may reduce the risk of developing substance use disorders. “

The study looks like this New York After state legislators have signed a contract to allow the sale of drugs for recreational purposes, they are ready to join more and more states that have legalized marijuana.

The agreement reached on Saturday will extend the state’s existing medical marijuana program to set licenses and taxes for recreational sales. Congressmen are expected to vote on the bill on Tuesday, the earliest time they can consider it. Legislative leaders want to vote on the budget on Wednesday in order to meet the budgeting deadline by April 1.

At least 14 other states have already allowed residents to buy marijuana for recreational as well as medical purposes.

Faced with opposition from law enforcement, schools and community supporters, they warn that legalization will put more strain on the already overwhelming health care system. Coronavirus Sending mixed messages to pandemics and young people.

“We are in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic, and this harmful law is counterintuitive due to the serious crisis of e-cigarettes in young people and the ongoing epidemic of opioids,” said the New York State Medical Association. The signed open letter states. York State Parent Teachers Association, New York Sheriffs Association and several other organizations March 11th.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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