According to scientists, widespread use of face masks is essential to prevent pandemics when the blockade is lifted.
In order to suppress COVID-19 more quickly and reduce the possibility of another blockade, the relaxation of the blockade is broader and more effective with control measures such as face masks even with vaccination. It suggests that it needs to be used in various ways.
The· modelDeveloped by scientists at the University of Cambridge and the University of Liverpool, today Royal Society Interface Journal.. Formulas are used to provide general insight into how COVID-19 spreads under a variety of potential control scenarios.
Management measures, including face masks, hand washing, and short-term (1-2 meters) social distances, can all limit the number of viral particles that spread among people. These are called “non-spatial” measures to distinguish them from the second category of “spatial”. Management measures This includes blockades and movement restrictions that reduce the distance that virus particles can spread. The new model compares the effectiveness of a combination of different measures in controlling the spread of COVID-19 and shows how non-spatial control needs to be strengthened when the blockade is lifted. ..
“By using more effective management measures such as face masks and hand washing, we can stop pandemics faster or prevent infections from vaccination programs. This is another potential. It also means that we can avoid the blockage, “says Dr. Yevhen Suprunenko. He is a researcher at the Faculty of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge and the lead author of the treatise. The authors emphasize that their predictions rely on such non-spatial control measures that are effectively implemented.
The model also considered the socio-economic impact of both types of measurements and how this changes during a pandemic.The socio-economic impact of spatial measurements such as: Blockade While the cost of non-spatial controls has decreased, it has increased over time. For example, face masks have become more widely available and people have become accustomed to wearing them.
“Measures such as blockades that limit the distance traveled by potentially infected people can have a stronger impact on controlling the spread of the disease, but at the risk of infection each time people mix. Reduction methods provide a cheap way to make up for them, “said Dr. Stephen Cornell, co-author of the paper at the University of Liverpool.
This model emerged from a broader research program to identify the following management strategies: Plant diseases Threatens the staple food. Using a mathematical approach rather than traditional computer simulation models, the authors were able to identify general insights on how to deal with emerging plant and animal infections in a variety of scenarios.
“Our new model will help us study how different infectious diseases spread and become endemic, which will help us find better control strategies and make future epidemics faster and more efficient. Can be stopped, “said Professor Chris Gilligan of the Faculty of Botanical Sciences, University of Cambridge. Co-author of science and treatises.
Analytical approximation of invasion and endemic thresholds, and optimal epidemic control in spatially explicit individual-based models, Royal Society Interface Journal, rsif.royalsocietypublishing.or…. 1098 / rsif.2020.0966
Provided by
Cambridge University
Quote: Lockdown when scientist (March 30, 2021) gets March 30, 2021 from He states that extensive use of face masks is essential to control the pandemic as it is released. .html
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