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5 steps to avoid sunburn and skin damage during today’s hot weather


Experts warn that sunbathing people who are exposed to British mini-heat waves and whose blockade restrictions are relaxed need to be vigilant to avoid severe burns and skin damage.

With temperatures up to 24 degrees Celsius this week, groups of up to 6 people can gather outdoors starting Monday, allowing crowds to gather in public spaces and enjoy the newly discovered freedom.

But as the country prepares for a wonderful British summer, top-notch oversight pharmacists are urging us to stay vigilant from the dangerous UV rays of the sun and their potentially deadly effects. I will.

Medical Director of Shyam Morjaria, UK Meds Outlines some steps you should take to prepare for and treat sunburn and skin damage.

He states: “As blockade restrictions begin to be relaxed and the warmer months of summer approach, the pleasurable elements are beginning to return.

“But we must always be vigilant about the risks posed by excessive exposure to the sun and its UV rays.

“If you overdo it for just a few hours in the sun, you may have skin problems that can affect your rest of your life.

“It is important to take precautions such as dressing with proper cover, applying sunscreen of at least 30 SPF, and avoiding sunlight during the strongest hours between 10 am and 2 pm.

“If you can’t protect yourself from the sun’s UV rays, it can lead to skin damage such as freckles and darkening, and cancer such as melanoma.

“We are all worth enjoying the summer after a difficult year for many, but it is important to pay attention to the dangers of the sun.”

UK Meds Tips for Avoiding Sunburn and Skin Damage

Continue hydration

The sun boosts your mood and has been shown to provide the healthy amount of vitamin D your body needs for a strong immune system, but it also carries the risk of dehydration and sunburn.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and hydration is one of the best ways we can protect it. Dehydration can impair our healing ability. This is even more important if the skin becomes inflamed or burned when exposed to sunlight.

When exposed to sunlight, sweating draws water to the surface of the skin and separates it from the body. Therefore, it is necessary to replace the water to maximize the chances of healing.

Use plenty of sunscreen

The sun emits harmful UV, UVA, and UVB rays that damage the top layers of the skin, causing sunburn and burns. They can also cause more serious sun damage such as cancer cells and free radicals.

Sunscreens with a minimum SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 or higher help block the sun’s UVA / UVB rays. The higher the SPF, the better protection is provided.

It is important to apply plenty of sunscreen, paying particular attention to vulnerable areas such as the ears, neck, insteps, and even lips.

Apply for at least 15 minutes before going outdoors to absorb into the skin and reapply every 2 hours after swimming or excessive sweating.

Please wear proper clothes

The best way to deal with exposure to sunlight that damages your skin is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Covering with clothing such as wide-brimmed hats, long sleeves, and loose trousers will help block these harmful UV rays, especially if made with UPF protection.

Lighter colors may look more fashionable on warm days, but darker colors, such as black, are better suited to absorb sunlight and keep it away from your skin.

Act quickly on burning signs

No matter how much you think you are protecting yourself, you may feel a burning sensation on your skin.

It is important to respond quickly to signs of damage, including procedures such as cooling the skin with a cold shower or damp towel, drinking plenty of water, and applying a post-tanning spray.

Avoid direct sunlight on burnt skin until it is completely healed.

Choose the right after-sun treatment

Aloe vera is one of the most popular options for treating burned skin because it carries the anti-inflammatory compound anthraquinone, which promotes healing and relieves pain.

It also contains amino acids that help the skin’s own repair process, stimulate collagen and elastin production, and neutralize free radicals from UVA rays.


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