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Pregnant Oregons at high risk of COVID-19 complications are currently eligible for vaccination

Pregnant Oregons at high risk of COVID-19 complications are currently eligible for vaccination



Pregnant women over the age of 16 have been vaccinated this week as Oregon continues to expand its vaccination eligibility in the fight against COVID-19.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines pregnancy as the underlying health condition for the coronavirus. Pregnant people are at increased risk of serious illness due to COVID-19, and those risks can affect not only them but also their babies.

On the other hand, limited initial data on how the COVID-19 vaccine affects pregnant people was excluded from the initial vaccine trial, resulting in uncertainty about vaccine safety for pregnant people. It led to the spread of false information.

Dr. Amy Ermesh of Oregon Health & Science University. Headshot of a smiling woman with light brown hair in a turquoise button-up shirt.

Dr. Amy Elmesh, Oregon Health & Science University

Courtesy of OHSU / Courtesy of OHSU

But, New research We provide proof that you can rest assured. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines (mRNA vaccines) are highly effective in pregnant and lactating people, giving protection to the foetation and newborns, according to a study just published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. can do. The study also showed no evidence of harm to the baby, and there was little difference in the side effects of the vaccine between pregnant and non-pregnant participants. The latest studies include animal-based studies of all three vaccines available in the United States, as well as an increasing number of pregnant people who have been vaccinated since the first trial, and people whose vaccines are pregnant and lactating. After showing no evidence that it is not safe for you. ..

The· American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology “The COVID-19 vaccine should not be withheld from pregnant individuals who choose to be vaccinated,” he recommends.Participating in the recommendation is from Oregon Health & Science University Dr. Amy Ermesh, An obstetrician who specializes in high-risk pregnancy. She and others in her field strongly feel that pregnant people “should be given the opportunity to make informed decisions.”

As Oregon is moving towards expanding the eligibility of vaccinations for pregnant Oregon citizens, Elmesh joins the OPB for pregnancy, pandemics, and pregnant and new parents themselves. And answered questions about how to make informed decisions to keep your family safe.

Jen Chavez: Pregnant individuals are considered to be in the high-risk group for COVID-19. In fact, pregnancy is defined by the CDC as an underlying health condition. why? What are the risks?

Dr. Amy Ermesh: Pregnant women are considered [at] Compared to other women of the same age and having the same risk factors, there is an increased risk of complications from COVID-19. They are at high risk of being admitted to the intensive care unit, need mechanical ventilation support, and have a slightly higher risk of death. These complications clearly affect babies and can cause pregnancy complications such as preterm birth and stillbirth.

Chavez: We are talking about the physical effects of a pandemic on pregnant people, but we are increasingly hearing people who become pregnant or have newborns during a pandemic describe it as an incredibly isolated experience. ing. And I think part of it has to do with how healthcare had to change because of the pandemic. During this time, what was your experience as an OBGYN doctor who provided care to patients?

Elmesh: One of the differences is the addition of virtual components to prenatal care. One example is alternating face-to-face and virtual visits to the patient to reduce the number of times the patient needs to come to the clinic and be around others. This may increase the risk of exposure to COVID-19. This is actually a positive change for some families as it adds flexibility to the types of care they can provide, and many patients receive regular visits, such as transportation difficulties and childcare discoveries. We believe that the barriers to traditional prenatal care visits will be reduced. .. However, it is very important to understand that patients want these visits to be virtually or in person. Therefore, it is important not to skip visits. We want to stay connected, so try to detect possible complications and problems as soon as possible.

Chavez: How to treat pregnant or lactating people when the COVID-19 vaccine was first introduced, not because of evidence of harm in itself, but simply because they were not included at least intentionally. There was some uncertainty about what would affect the first vaccine trial. So, before taking a closer look at this, first of all, why weren’t those people included in the trial? Is it unusual?

Elmesh: No, it’s not uncommon. Yes, clinical trials of the COVID-19 vaccine initially did not include pregnant women, but there is no scientific reason to suspect that these vaccines (mRNA vaccine or Johnson & Johnson adenoviral vector vaccine) are not included. It is safe during pregnancy. There are some women who became pregnant just before or immediately after vaccination in the trial, but I am very relieved that no adverse results have been reported in these pregnancies.

Chavez: What else have you learned about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant or lactating people? In addition to these trials, have a significant number of people in the United States been vaccinated at this point?

Elmesh: First of all, there are three vaccines currently available in the United States. Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. You can rest assured that all three vaccines have been studied for animal reproduction. In addition, its adenoviral vector vaccine, which is the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, includes, for example, other similar vaccines given to prevent the Ebola virus administered to pregnant women. And that’s also very good, as those clinical studies did not have any safety issues identified in pregnant or lactating women. We also want to ensure that patients have no evidence that the vaccine can lead to reduced fertility. Vaccine loss of fertility is scientifically very unlikely and has not been reported in hundreds of thousands of vaccinated women.

Chavez: So, in your opinion, given all this, what do you think people experiencing a pregnancy during a pandemic should now evaluate or consider in terms of their safety?

Elmesh: Now, medical professionals, women’s health organizations and doctors nationwide [and] Nurses who are experts in sexual and reproductive health recommend that the COVID-19 vaccine should not be withheld from pregnant or lactating women. We strongly feel that pregnant women should be given the opportunity to make informed decisions.

They need to consider not only the risk of virus spread in the community, exposure to themselves, but also the risk of exposure to new babies and families. You have to think, what are the risks of not being vaccinated? Therefore, we discussed that the risk of complications increases if you are infected with COVID during pregnancy without vaccination. But also, if you have a COVID, it may complicate the care you can receive when it comes to the visitors and labor support you are allowed to receive. And again, after worrying about exposing family, mom and dad back home, get support and help.

Chavez: what [has been] What is your greatest joy in last year’s work? What kept giving you hope?

Elmesh: I think it was a really learning experience. I really enjoy working hard to continue caring for my patients. As you said earlier, babies will continue to be born. Women continue to need health care. We have worked very hard to be there for them when they need us, and I am very much part of a thinking and strategic team Luckily: How can we continue to provide care and keep everyone safe? It was very rewarding and I am truly grateful to the entire OHSU team and to the patients who continued to trust us in their care.


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