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This is the amount of sunscreen you should apply to your face

This is the amount of sunscreen you should apply to your face


There is a lot of false information and marketing terminology surrounding the use of sunscreen, especially when it comes to the delicate skin of your face. Did you cover that token SPF15 of your foundation? Can I tap a feather-light layer at 8am before reclining in the garden until sunset? Is coconut oil the same as natural sunscreen? All the above answers are no, but that doesn’t mean you need to complicate protecting your skin in all seasons. Here, Dr. Sophie Shotter It provides a nonsense guide to applying facial sunscreen correctly.

“Protecting the skin from harmful UV rays is probably the most important way to prevent premature aging. SPF protection is needed daily, regardless of the weather,” she confirms. “As a rule of thumb, do not use less than SPF 30. Use SPF 50 during the summer and reapply every few hours throughout the day if you are outside in the sun.” (Makeup No problem: be smart SPF mist In the bag. )

As Shotter explains, there are two different types of sun filters …

Chemical filter

“These absorb light rays. Think of these filters as small sponges that collect light rays and prevent them from penetrating and damaging your skin.”

Mineral filter

“Often referred to as” physical filters, “these deflect the rays. Think of them as bats and hit them before they get into the skin. Mineral filter sunscreens are suitable for sensitive skin types as the ingredients are not absorbed by the skin. In contrast, chemical sunscreens penetrate the skin. “

Breakdown of wide spectrum

Whichever sunscreen you choose, you need to make sure that it contains UVA and UVB. This is commonly referred to as a wide spectrum sunscreen.

UVA ageing Rays

UVB protects from burning ray

Add antioxidant

“It is also ideal to use antioxidant serum containing vitamin C before applying SPF products, as it provides enhanced protection. Antioxidants fight DNA-damaging free radical molecules early on. Causes aging. Antioxidant serums are the perfect partner for SPF creams. Wearing both gives you the best protection against the sun and helps keep your skin healthy and vibrant. “

Amount of SPF to apply

“When applying SPF to the face, you generally need to consider the amount of dessert spoon. You also need to cover your eyelids and lips. So, if you need more, choose it!”

If you do not have a spoon in your hand, this amount is approximately equal to the length of your two fingers. This may sound like a lot, but keep in mind that you need to cover your entire face, tops of your ears, neck and chest.

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