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Haryana tests whether BCG vaccine can boost Covid’s immunity Gurgaon News


Rotak: Haryana Start testing 100-year-old vaccine potential cover tuberculosis Can be provided COVID-19. The trial, which will cover 175 healthy high-risk patients over 180 days, will begin next week.
“The plan is BCG vaccine Dr. Savita Verma, a professor of pharmacology, gave a positive reaction to see how much immunity a vaccine can give Covid-19 and how severe its condition is if it is infected after vaccination. Say to a healthy person who is in close contact with the person who showed it. so PGIMS At Rohtak doing the trial. Dr. Verma and Dr. Dhruv Chaudhary, who will be responsible for Covid-19 in Haryana and will be responsible for the Pulmonary and Emergency Medical Units of PGIMS. Rotakh Heads the project.
But the jury has yet to say how useful the BCG vaccine will be in fighting Covid-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) said, “There is no evidence that the Calmit Guerlain Vaccine (BCG) protects people from being infected with the Covid-19 virus … WHO does not recommend BCG vaccination because of the lack of evidence. The prevention of Covid-19. ”Concern was that“ diversion of local supplies may not vaccinate newborns, leading to increased illness and death from tuberculosis ”.
The ICMR also showed a cautious attitude. “ICMR will launch a survey next week. Dr. RR Ganga Kedkar, head of the epidemiology and epidemics of ICMR, will not recommend it to healthcare workers until a definitive result last week,” he said. He added that there was insufficient evidence of his position. Vaccine for Covid-19.
Permission to start the trial came from the Director of Drug Enforcement in India on April 12th. In India, four other hospitals have been licensed for BCG trials. .
“BCG was developed as a vaccine against tuberculosis, but research has shown its ability to induce strong defenses against infectious diseases,” Dr. Verma said. And how is it expected to work? The theory is based on the idea of ​​innate immunity, a kickstart process in the body that fights off infections in a general way.
BCG vaccine, a live form of Mycobacterium bovalis, provides a non-specific boost to the body’s immune response. Dr. Burma explained that the BCG vaccine acts on two fronts: innate immune cells like bone marrow cells (white blood cells or a subgroup of white blood cells) and NK cells (natural killer cells that fight tumors and viral infections) — Epigenetic (non-genetic) effects on gene expression) and metabolic reprogramming (the process by which cells change metabolism to survive). “It causes an increase in antibacterial activity in a process called trained immunity, so it is considered a means of improving induction of immunity,” she said.
For the trial to work, they needed to focus on eligibility criteria. This meant eliminating those who had already been vaccinated in the past year, had a basic condition such as a respiratory problem, or had a history of tuberculosis.
The impact of the vaccine on 175 predominantly healthcare workers working with Covid-19 patients will be analyzed weekly. Haryana’s 175 will be part of India’s 5,946 test pool.
“We will vaccinate high-risk groups and analyze severity and infection rates. We will start the trial by next week,” Dr. Chaudhary said.


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