Canberra is confident in AWS’s ability to securely store COVID-19 trace app data
Amazon Web Services (AWS) handed over Australia’s forthcoming data storage contract COVID-19 Contact Tracking App.
With AWS headquartered in the United States, data security is a growing concern. Access by US law enforcement.
Stuart Robert, Government Services Minister Spokesperson, told ZDNet that the ministers “have maximum confidence in how they manage information.”
“The uploaded contact information is stored on Australia’s secure information storage system and is protected by additional legislation limiting access to healthcare professionals,” said a spokesperson.
According to the minister, maintaining Australian data domestically Biosecurity law And the law.
By law, transferring data to countries other than Australia is a criminal offense, and a five year imprisonment and / or a 300 penalty unit (AU $ 63,000) applies to directional violations.
When storing the decryption key in the same location as the data, Robert’s spokesperson told ZDNet that the storage system key will be managed through AWS. Key management system (KMS), previously evaluated by the Australian Cyber Security Center.
“AWS is vigilant about your privacy and security,” AWS told ZDNet. “Our customers retain ownership and control of the content stored on AWS. AWS provides tools that customers can use to encrypt data at rest or in motion. Alternatively, you can choose from many supported third-party security solutions.
“Encrypted content is useless without the proper decryption keys.”
Robert’s office added that this is exactly how the Australian government is already using AWS for many other institutions, including the Australian Signal Station, and “guarantees Australian data to stay in Australia.” It was.
The contract is Government-wide agreement AWS signed the Digital Transformation Agency in June.
This agreement enables all federal, state, and territory agencies and departments, public universities, and government-controlled companies to access AWS cloud services.
This arrangement is made through a “simplified procurement model”. It is advertised as economies of scale that can save costs from the day the agency signs up.
See also Morrison says the use of the COVID-19 tracing app is a “national service” issue
Prime Minister Robert and Scott Morrison Security concerns and technical assurance Before publishing
“Now that app, the information it collects goes into a fully encrypted national data store, and the federal government has no access to that information.”
“None. Zero. Zip. Nothing.”
He repeats that information can only be deciphered by state and territory level health officials and only by contacting directly those who may be at risk of being infected with the coronavirus. Stated.
“There is one job. There is only one job. I do not do other jobs. I will never do other jobs. For a limited time. Help public health personnel help you. I have a specific job. “
“I have listened carefully to the discussions that have continued since I first showed that I am on this road, and have confirmed that they have responded to them and that protection is built in. 1 Focus on one job. I’m not interested in doing any other job. No geolocation. No tracking of people’s movements. That’s not true. “
The “coming soon” app will be recreated Trace Together in Singapore.
The TraceTogether app allows you to tap on Bluetooth signals to detect other mobile devices that are participating and, if necessary, identify mobile devices that were in close contact.
The app can estimate the distance between TraceTogether smartphones, and the duration of such interactions.
Identifies participating TraceTogether users who are within 2 meters of each other for more than 30 minutes. The data is then captured, encrypted and stored locally on the user’s phone for 21 days. This spans the incubation period of the virus.
Singapore had only 20% buy-ins, but Morrison had Australia At least you need to double it Because the initiative works.
Ed Huszick, former Prime Minister of the Department of Digital Economy and Social Welfare, Shad, said strengthening privacy guarantees is necessary for a successful buy-in.
“If the government can’t let its own members use it, what do the public have to do with this tracking app,” he said.
“The data generated through the app is used only to prevent the spread of coronaviruses in Australia and to help people track where they are infected, as it is said that they are being used. We need to make sure that we can better handle those occurrences. ”
As of this writing, the World Health Organization has reported over 2.5 million confirmed cases, with approximately 176,000 deaths from the virus. In Australia, 6,667 cases and 76 deaths have been reported.
Over 474,000 tests have been conducted across Australia.
More from Australia
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