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How quickly does LA County reach herd immunity?


Los Angeles (KABC)-Los Angeles County is currently eligible to move to the less restrictive hierarchy of the state’s color-coded resumption system, but will wait until Monday and some rules will be stricter than state guidelines.

Vaccine shortages remain a problem as the county prepares for further resumption. However, county health leaders say that if an average of about 500,000 vaccinations per week is possible, 80% of people over the age of 16 will take only 12 weeks to get vaccinated. Dr. Anthony Fauci is the threshold required for herd immunity against the virus.

Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said Wednesday that he was confident that vaccine supply would continue to improve, saying that the county would receive a total of 700,000 doses a week by the end of April. I’m predicting.

“If LA County receives an average of 576,000 vaccinations a week starting in April, we can expect vaccination rates for people over the age of 16 to reach 80% in the next 12 weeks,” Ferrer said. “Achieving such milestones is possible by increasing quotas, which will dramatically change the trajectory of the pandemic here in LA County.”

But this week, Feller discussed that demand exceeded supply.

“Although we received more doses, the county was able to easily book nearly 300,000 additional bookings this week, making supply shortages the biggest obstacle, but not enough vaccines. I didn’t make a reservation, “says Ferrer. Said.

Residents of Los Angeles County over the age of 50 are eligible to be vaccinated from Thursday, but not enough injections, Feller said.

Meanwhile, the county will gradually relax the COVID-19 Safety Protocol, the door to the Natural History Museum will be open to the public on Thursday with limited capacity, and the La Brea Tar Pit and Museum will reopen next Thursday.

The move to the orange layer means more capacity at retail stores, cinemas, restaurants and other attractions, as well as a variety of other adjustments, including the reopening of non-meal bars (outdoors only). I will.

According to Feller, the revised Health Officer Order will be posted on Friday, so employers will have a weekend to be aware of all new guidelines and adjust their operations accordingly. The county closely matches the state’s guidelines for the orange layer, but with some more stringent requirements.

Most notably, the bar is limited to outdoor table service only, is open only from 11:30 am to 10 pm and requires an 8 foot distance between the outdoor tables. State guidelines allow all capacity restrictions on orange retailers to be lifted, but Los Angeles County imposes a 75% limit on grocery stores and other retail operations, 50 until April 15. It is “strongly” recommended to maintain% capacity. Take the time for more workers to be vaccinated.

Following state guidelines, the county will increase the capacity limit for cinemas, churches, museums, zoos, aquariums and restaurants from 25% to 50%. Fitness center capacity will increase from 10% to 25%. The cardroom and family entertainment center can resume indoor operations with 25% capacity.

Breweries and wineries will be able to provide indoor services with 25% capacity. Breweries, wineries and bars can all turn on TV outdoors, but live entertainment remains banned.

It was unclear whether the county would continue to ban restaurants from turning on TV. This is a requirement imposed to prevent the gathering of sports fans.

City News Service contributed to this report.

Copyright © 2021 KABC-TV. all rights reserved.


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