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Despair of healthcare workers when France’s “Third Way” virus strategy fails


“It allows me to breathe,” she says, “and cry.”

The people of COVID-19 occupy all the beds in the ICU ward of President Emmanuel Macron’s home hospital in the medieval northern city of Amiens. Three people have died in the last three days. Vast medical facilities run out of space, keeping critically ill patients away from nearby small towns.

“We feel this wave coming very strongly,” said Romain Beal, a blood oxygen expert at Amiens Hospital. “There was a family who lost their mother and son at the same time in two different ICU rooms here. I’m dying.”

Hospital doctors were watching the variants attacking Britain jump over the straits and south of France. Like the UK, this variant is now sending young and healthy patients to French emergency rooms and ICUs. Amiens health care workers did their best to prepare, called in reinforcements, and set up a temporary ICU in the pediatric ward.

France continued to boast of its “third way” after a new variant blamed European countries from the Czech Republic to Portugal after a surge in Britain’s death toll in January.

French scientists’ predictions (including those from the government’s own virus advisory body) predicted future problems. Inserm charts for January and February predict higher virus hospitalization rates in March or April. Worried doctors called for precautions that went beyond what was already in place. A national curfew and the closure of all restaurants and many businesses.

However, the virus was not terminated. National infection rates have doubled in the last three weeks, hospitals in Paris are prepared for the worst fight ever, and ICU overcrowding was when the pandemic first occurred in Europe. Is expected to exceed what happened to.

Macron acknowledged the challenge on Wednesday, announcing a three-week national school closure, a month-long ban on domestic travel, and the creation of thousands of temporary ICU beds. He also promised to increase personnel.

While other European countries have imposed a third blockade in recent months, Macron has refused to do so in France, saying: On the water. “

At the same time, France lost another 30,000 lives to the virus this year. It also reports more viral infections overall than any other country in Europe, making it one of the highest deaths in the world and killing 95,640 people.

People like Sarah Amha were frustrated when she visited her 67-year-old mother in the Amiens ICU as Macron refused to order the blockade.

“They have managed this much better,” she said, recalling the government’s failure to mask and test a year ago and condemning the logistical challenges of getting vaccines for older relatives. .. She is still proud of France’s world-famous healthcare system, but she is ashamed of her government. “How can I trust them?”

Pollsters have noted the recent rise in public dissatisfaction with the hesitation of government crackdowns and the potential impact of Macron’s current decision on the situation of next year’s presidential election.

Macron defended his decision last week not to contain the country on January 29th. The moment epidemiologists say it may have been a turning point in the fight to prevent France’s third surge. I have no regrets and do not admit failure. “

Instead of emulating European neighbors who are taking strategies to reduce infections, such as Britain, which began to open after a three-month blockade, French officials have compared their country to the situation. Avoid asking questions about the increasing death toll. To make matters worse.

At Amiens ICU, things are already bad enough.

“We have the impression that the population is doing the opposite of what they should do,” said nurse Sagnier before heading to her round. “And we have a sense of what we are working for.”

Intern Oussama Nanai admitted that the beating of severe virus numbers paralyzed many, and he urged everyone to visit the ICU and turn their human faces to the numbers.

“There are ups and downs every day … I couldn’t do that anymore yesterday afternoon. (Room) 52 patients died and (Room) 54 patients died,” he said.

But sometimes their work is rewarded. “The two most serious conditions in 60 days walked away on both feet and sent us a photo, which boosted our morale and made us realize that what we were doing was beneficial. Will give you. “


Contributed by Sylvie Corbet in Paris.


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