Plastic chemicals associated with postpartum depression
Certain environmental chemicals are associated with postpartum depression in new mothers, according to researchers.
Melanie Jacobson, PhD, and MPH of the NYU Langone Medical Center conducted a prospective study of 139 pregnant women, with 4 postpartum exposures to certain endocrine disrupting chemicals commonly found in plastics. We have found that there is a high risk of developing postpartum depression in the month. In New York City and colleagues.
Specifically, the probability of developing postpartum depression is used to make plastics more malleable and is commonly found in medical tubing and food packaging with di-n-octyl phthalate (DnOP). ) Increased significantly (OR 1.48, 95% CI 1.04-2.11).
This relationship seems to have been caused by a decrease in progesterone levels, the team writes. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism..
For each logarithmic increase in exposure to DnOP, progesterone levels in mid-pregnancy decreased by 8.1% (95% CI -15.2% to -0.4%).
Similarly, with each unit increase in diisononyl phthalate (DiNP) exposure, it is used to make plastics more flexible and commonly found in polyvinyl chloride materials and personal care products, 7.7% (95). % CI -13.3% to -1.7%) Progesterone concentration is low.
These associations were still true after adjusting for women taking psychotropic or progesterone-destroying drugs.
“Exposure to phthalates was found to be associated with lower levels of progesterone during pregnancy and an increased likelihood of developing postpartum depression,” Jacobson said in a statement. .. “This study is important because phthalates are so prevalent in the environment that they can be detected in almost every pregnant woman in the United States.”
“If these chemicals can affect prenatal hormone levels and subsequent postpartum depression, reducing exposure to these types of chemicals is the best way to prevent postpartum depression. It could be a plausible means, “she suggested.
In this survey, pregnant women in New York City were recruited between 2016 and 2018 during the first trimester (5-18 weeks) or mid-pregnancy (18-25 weeks).
Urine samples were used to test early and mid-pregnancy bisphenol and phthalate biotransformer levels and to evaluate sex steroid hormones during mid-pregnancy. In total, 8 bisphenols (BPA, BPAF, BPAP, BPB, BPF, BPP, BPS, and BPZ) and 22 phthalate metabolites were measured.
Of the bisphenols tested, BPA and BPS were most commonly detected and were present in about 75% of all women. BPA is commonly found in food and beverage cans, toys and other plastics, while BPS is most commonly found in receipts and other thermal paper.
Throughout each semester, all women answered Patient Health Question-9 to measure depressive symptoms. At 4 months postpartum, the woman answered another questionnaire that included the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, with a score of 10 or higher indicating postpartum depression.
According to Jacobson, the limitations of the study included the small sample size, the lack of formal psychiatric evaluation of participants, and the need to reproduce the findings in future studies. It was.
Last updated: April 1, 2021
This study was funded by the NYU Environmental Hazard Research Center Pilot Project Program, NIH Director, and the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences.
Jacobson and co-authors did not report disclosure.
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