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NET Health moved COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic indoors and reported two COVID-19-related deaths | COVID-19


Anyone over the age of 16 is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, and the public health district in northeast Texas has decided to host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic within the Harvey Convention Center due to rising temperatures. Become.

The NET Health COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic is closed on Fridays and Saturdays.

The Texas Emergency Management Agency and the Texas Health Department offer free walk-up COVID-19 testing opportunities for anyone with or without COVID-19 symptoms.

Testing will take place throughout April at the New Life Community Church at 1201 NNW Loop 323. The test runs Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 4pm.

These tests are generally free.Register with You will need a face mask to enter the building. The results are returned by text message via TDEM, so the person under test must have access to the mobile phone.

Smith County has added two new COVID-19-related deaths since Monday, bringing the number of deaths from the virus to 285.

As of Thursday, NET Health data shows 49 new possible confirmed cases since Monday, for a total of 19,572 in Smith County.

There are 11,390 confirmed cases and 8,182 possible cases in the county.

According to NET Health, COVID-19 cases, deaths, and recovery numbers are updated only every Monday and Thursday.

The confirmed recovery is 10,717 times and the estimated recovery is 7,751 times. NET Health reports that the number of active cases identified is 473 in Smith County, with 346 possible active cases.

Of the 285 deaths, 200 have been identified as being associated with COVID-19, and 85 may die, according to NET Health.

As of Thursday, a total of 49 patients in East Texas were being treated for COVID-19 at Tyler Hospital.

According to NET Health data, there is one Smith County prison inmate who has been actively diagnosed with COVID-19 as of Thursday.

According to the Texas Prison Standards Board, there is one COVID-19-positive detainee as of Thursday. As of Thursday, one prisoner had died of COVID-19.

Gregg County has 10,906 confirmed and possible COVID-19 cases, including 6,032 confirmed and 4,874 possible diagnoses.

According to NET Health, the confirmed recovery is 5,785, with 4,673 possible recovery.

The county has 196 deaths, which are labeled with 108 confirmed deaths and 88 possible deaths.

According to NET Health, Henderson County has 5,707 confirmed and possible COVID-19 cases, including 3,808 confirmed and 1,899 possible diagnoses. The death toll is 110. According to NETHealth, 24 of all causes of death cite COVID-19 as a possible cause of death.

The confirmed recovery was 3,608, and there are 1,802 possible recovery in the county, NET Health said.

According to NET Health, Van Zandt County has 4,126 confirmed and possible COVID-19 cases, including 2,577 confirmed and 1,549 possible diagnoses.

The confirmed recovery was 2,412, with 1,444 likely to have recovered in Van Zandt County, NET Health reported.

The death toll from COVID-19 in Van Zandt County is 69, of which 14 are attributed to COVID-19.

Anderson County has 3,261 confirmed and possible COVID-19 cases, including 1,960 confirmed and 1,301 possible diagnoses.

The confirmed recovery was 1,839 and the possible recovery was 1,233, the health district reported.

The death toll of COVID-19 in Anderson County is 78. Sixteen of the total deaths are listed and may be due to the virus.

Anderson County figures do not reflect prisoners in Tennessee Colony prisons.

According to NET Health, Wood County has 3,348 confirmed and possible COVID-19 cases, of which 1,940 have been confirmed and 1,408 have possible diagnoses.

According to NET Health, the recovery rate confirmed in Wood County is 1,796 and the chances of recovery are 1,333.

The county has killed 82 people. Of the total deaths, 17 are listed as estimated deaths.

According to NET Health, there are 783 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Rains County, including 395 confirmed cases and 388 potentially diagnosed cases.

According to NET Health, the confirmed recovery is 374 and there are 372 possible recovery.

There are 12 deaths from COVID-19 in Rains County. Of all deaths, 3 are considered likely.


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