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IISc develops artificial enzymes that block HIV reactivation in AIDS patients


Indian Institute of Science (IISc), India’s main destination for advanced science and technology research, Said That Researchers have developed an artificial enzyme that can successfully block the reactivation and replication of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the host’s immune cells.

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How does it work

Made from vanadium pentoxide nanosheets, these “nanozymes” enhance the anti-HIV potential of immune cells by mimicking a natural enzyme called glutathione peroxidase that helps reduce oxidative stress levels in host cells. I will... This is necessary to control the virus.

Research published in,Embo molecular medicine“The journal was headed by Amit Singh, an associate professor in the Department of Microbiology, and Govindaswamy Mugesh, a professor in the Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry.

“The advantage is that nanozymes are stable in the body and do not mediate unwanted intracellular reactions,” says Mugesh. “Preparing in the lab is also very easy.”

HIV AIDS Esperanza patientReuters

HIV virus can only be suppressed

It should be noted that current processes cannot completely remove HIV from the patient’s body, and anti-HIV drugs can only suppress the virus in infected cells.

“The virus hides in immune cells in a’latent’state and maintains its reservoir,” the study said. “When levels of toxic molecules such as hydrogen peroxide increase in the host cell and oxidative stress increases, the virus is” reactivated “and begins to replicate again. “

HIV therapyiStock

to cooperate

Previously, Shin’s team developed a biosensor that measures the level of oxidative stress in HIV-infected immune cells in real time. “We found that HIV requires very little oxidative stress to get out of the incubation period and reactivate,” Shin said.

One way to prevent reactivation is to keep oxidative stress low. This “locks” the virus into a permanent latency. Enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase are essential to this process as they convert toxic hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. However, its application remains a concern as these enzymes can disrupt the cell’s antioxidant system, which is tightly regulated.

Around the same time, the Mugesh group Survey We have shown that nanowires made of vanadium pentoxide can efficiently mimic the activity of glutathione peroxidase. The collaboration between the two teams was natural.

IISc HIV block study diagramIISc

The team prepared ultrathin nanosheets of vanadium pentoxide in the lab and treated HIV-infected cells with them. Nanosheets have been found to reduce hydrogen peroxide as effectively as natural enzymes and prevent viral reactivation.

Combining antiretroviral therapy (ART) with Nanozyme has other benefits as well. “The addition of nanozymes helps reduce the side effects caused by such ART drugs, and can also improve the quality of life of HIV patients being treated,” Mugesh added. ..


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