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The healthiest way to brew coffee — and perhaps extend your life – Boston News, Weather, Sports


(CNN) —For many of us, the day doesn’t start until we get the Kuppa Joe.

We are ready to stimulate your five senses and boost your mood with just the rich and rich scent of brewed sake.

And a new long-term study published Wednesday in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology found that coffee is not only good for your health, but can even extend your lifespan.

“Unfiltered coffee contains substances that increase blood cholesterol. The use of filters removes them and reduces the chance of heart attack and premature death,” research author Sweden said. Dag Thelle, senior professor of the School of Public Health and Community Health at the University of Gothenburg, said:

“Our research provides strong and compelling evidence of a link between coffee brewing methods, heart attacks, and longevity,” Teru said.

This is bad news for coffee lovers made with the French press and cafe tierre, which are very popular today, and for those who like the strong brewing methods of Greece and Turkey. Boiling coffee or using a coffee press actually increases your risk of heart disease.

“Unfiltered coffee, such as Greek or Turkish coffee, or coffee made in the French press, Cafe stall and caraway —Chemicals found in oil droplets and sediment in coffee, ”said Lisa Drayer, a registered dietitian who is a CNN health and nutrition contributor.

“Research has shown that these substances can raise triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels,” Drayer said. “Thus, keep using filtered coffee, such as the paper filters used in drip beer, that help trap these chemicals.”

Drink better filtered coffee for health

The new study followed more than half a million healthy Norwegian men and women between the ages of 20 and 79 over a 20-year period.

The results show that drinking boiling or squeezed unfiltered coffee increases the risk of death in men over the age of 60 due to increased cardiovascular mortality.

However, it turns out that drinking filtered coffee—for example, through a paper filter—is healthier than not drinking coffee at all.

Filtered coffee has a 15% reduction in the risk of death from cardiovascular disease in men, a 12% reduction in the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, and a 20% risk of death from heart disease, compared to no coffee. % Related to a decrease.

In fact, the study found that those who drank one to four cups of filtered coffee a day had the lowest mortality rate.

“The finding that those who drink filtered beverages were a little better than those who never drink coffee could not be explained by other variables such as age, gender, and lifestyle. Therefore, we I believe this observation is true, “said Teru.

Evidence-based recommendations

The findings are similar to other studies highlighting the health benefits of coffee. by American Heart Association, Filtered coffee enhances mental concentration, mood and performance during exercise.

Published by British Medical Journal 2017 giant umbrella research We examined more than 200 meta-analyses of coffee health benefits and found that drinking 3-4 cups of black coffee a day produced the most overall health benefits.

They included reducing the risk of heart disease. Different types of cancer; and neurological, metabolic and liver disorders; as well as overall mortality. Other studies have found that coffee reduces the risk of melanoma, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, type 2 diabetes, liver disease, prostate cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and computer-related back pain.

Of course, nothing is perfect. There are several reasons why you want to limit or avoid coffee.

Monitor your sleep “If you have trouble falling asleep, it’s best to avoid all sources of coffee and caffeine in the evening or before bed,” Dreyer suggested.

Be careful if you are at risk of fracture. An analysis of the British Medical Journal found that high levels of coffee (4 cups or more per day) were associated with a higher risk of fracture in women who were more likely than men.

Pregnant women should also be vigilant. We found that high coffee consumption not only increases the risk of preterm birth and stillbirth, but also reduces the birth weight of the baby. According to studies, this is probably due to the fact that the half-life of caffeine is known to double during pregnancy, increasing the dose of caffeine per cup.

People with Parkinson’s disease are not eligible. the study Published September 2017 There was disagreement about the benefits of Parkinson’s disease, which was long thought to be helped by caffeine. The researchers, who first discovered that coffee in Parkinson’s patients reduced tremor, studied longer samples of more patients. This time there was no difference between those taking caffeine tablets and those taking placebo. The study was discontinued after initial data turned negative.

But, according to experts, coffee is fine for the majority of us.

“If you know you have high cholesterol and want to do something about it, try to stay away from unfiltered brews, including coffee made in the cafeteria,” Tell said. “For everyone else, drink coffee with a clear conscience and choose filtered ones.”

To keep your coffee consumption healthier, Drayer suggests the following tips:

Add low-fat milk and skip cream. “Cream contributes about 50 calories and 3 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon.

Do not put sugar in coffee. “A teaspoon of sugar contains 16 calories. It may sound hard to hear, but if you add two teaspoons of brew to a few drinks a day, you’ll get more calories,” she says. It was.

(Copyright (c) 2020 CNN. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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