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CDC says fully vaccinated people can safely resume their trip

CDC says fully vaccinated people can safely resume their trip


Fully vaccinated Americans can safely start their trip again, New guidelines Published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.The guidance states that “fully vaccinated travelers are less likely to acquire and spread.” COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection).. “

“People who are fully vaccinated with FDA-approved vaccines can travel safely in the United States,” says the CDC site. In addition, fully vaccinated travelers do not need to be tested before and after their trip unless required at their destination. Also, there is no need for self-quarantine.

“For example, a fully vaccinated grandparent can fly to visit a healthy grandchild without COVID-19 testing or self-quarantine, if other recommended precautions are followed,” said the CDC Director. Dr. Rochelle Warrensky said at the White House Briefing on Friday.

New guidance for Americans Delay overseas travel Until they are fully vaccinated, and Warensky is traveling internationally Fully vaccinated people should still be tested 3-5 days after arriving in the United States on an international flight I said that.

She continues to advise the CDC that “all travelers, regardless of vaccination status, must continue to wear masks on airplane buses, trains, and other public transport while traveling.” Said that. The CDC also encourages travelers to maintain social distance and wash their hands “frequently” or use hand sanitizers.

Update marks the first major revision of the CDC guidance for What a fully vaccinated American can do Signs of upcoming hope for a more normal life foretold by widespread immunity since they were first announced last month.

But for now, Warrensky said: Increase in the number of cases“In the United States

“I would like to admit today that providing guidance in the changing pandemics and their science is complex, while we are worried about increasing cases, wearing masks, and avoiding travel. On the other hand, if you are vaccinated, evolving data suggest that your risk of travel is likely to be low. “

After a multi-month decline in the number of cases nationwide after winter vacation, the COVID-19 epidemic has recovered nationwide again. 4 in 10 counties In the United States, it is currently in the “red zone” of government agencies, indicating a high level of community infection.

The CDC also warns of highly contagious variants that often spread during travel. The first B.1.1.7 strain identified in the United Kingdom is now “dominant” in the United States extensively. From New York to Texas, A CDC spokesman said on Friday.

“What we know about travel is that with every surge in travel, there is a surge in cases in this country,” Walensky said last month when authorities still relaxed the recommendation for full vaccination. I mentioned it when asked why it wasn’t. Traveler. “We know that many of our variants have emerged from international locations, and that the Travel Corridor is a place where many people are mixed.”

A week ago, Warrensky said she had A sense of “imminent ruin”, We warn you that the number of infections, hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 is all increasing.

Valensky was asked if she still had that feeling and was worried that “80% of the population has not been vaccinated, so there may be a lot of work to be done to control this pandemic. I continue to do it. “

At a press conference on Friday, federal health officials said the three COVID-19 vaccines currently approved for use in the United States by Pfizer, Modana, Johnson & Johnson were very effective, despite concerns. A new strain that pointed out promising real-world evidence suggesting that it appears to be.

“That is, the final message is that the vaccine works very well in the real world. The vaccine works against mutants, but is durable for at least 6 months and works even in adolescence. We need more data to confirm that, “Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser, told reporters.

“A very, very good reason for everyone to be vaccinated as soon as it becomes available to you,” Fauci added.


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