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COVID-19 cases are still increasing as the main CDC increases vaccination


The Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention closed the week on Saturday with 280 cases of coronavirus and additional deaths. Meanwhile, public health officials have raised the vaccination schedule again by opening the qualifications to all adults within a few days.

Come on wednesday All Maine states over 16 will be able to get shotsThanks to the increasing number of doses arriving in the state. This happened after authorities had already postponed that date to April 19.

Meanwhile, the number of cases has begun to rise, partially fueled. By increasing spread among people under the age of 30..

Cumulative COVID-19 cases in Maine increased to 51,468 on Saturday. Of these, 39,345 have been confirmed by testing and 12,123 are considered potential cases of COVID-19. The 7-day average for new daily cases on Saturday was 259.1, significantly higher than last Saturday’s 194.4.

745 people have died of COVID-19 since the pandemic began in Maine. According to the Maine CDC, the person reported dead on Saturday was a man in Somerset County in his 70s.

Governor Janet Mills said Thursday that he had decided to advance the eligibility period as the supply of vaccine doses in Maine was expected to increase dramatically in the coming weeks. Also, reservation demand is beginning to flag in some areas where people over the age of 50 are qualified, and authorities are urging them to look for more weapons to put in their shots.

Gristmills and health officials said Maine relies on local “pop-up” sites as well as large urban mass vaccination sites. These pop-up sites are more likely to use the Johnson & Johnson single vaccine. This is because it is difficult to schedule a second visit if the people are very dispersed.

Meanwhile, the incident has revived in Maine. On Friday, there were 402 newly reported cases of COVID-19, many of which were older cases newly identified by the main CDC as coronavirus. Health officials have raised concerns that increased case reports will hurt their efforts to vaccinate the population.

Dr. Nirav Shah, director of the Maine CDC, referred to the increased positive test rate in the state (3.5% on Friday, at least 1.8% in the last two weeks) and asked Maine to vaccinate.

“We’ll have a wider range of qualifications next week,” Shah said in a tweet. “Please shoot. I’ll talk a lot about the light at the end of the tunnel. Vaccines are our vehicle out of the tunnel.”

As of Saturday, 452,346 Maine received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and 299,378 received the final dose. Of the 1.3 million people in Maine, 33.65% receive their first dose. According to the main CDC stats..

As of Saturday, by county, Androscoggin had 5,417, Aroostook had 1,427, Cumberland had 14,147, Franklin had 1,000, Hancock had 1,078, Kennebec had 4,397, Knox had 819, and Lincoln had 675. There were 2,602 and 4,707 coronavirus outbreaks in Oxford. Peno Scott, Piscataquis 388, Sagadahoc 998, Somerset 1,426, Wald 721, Washington 777, York 10,889.

By age, 16.5% of patients are under 20 years old, 18.2% are in their 20s, 14.4% are in their 30s, 13.2% are in their 40s, 15.2% are in their 50s, 11.4% are in their 60s, and 6.1% are in their 70s. 5% were over 80 years old.

Of the 73 patients infected with COVID-19 at a hospital in Maine on Saturday, 28 received intensive care and 8 were on ventilator. A total of 379 97 intensive care unit beds were available in the state, and 319 240 ventilators were available. There was also a 446 alternative ventilator.

According to Johns Hopkins University, there were 130.5 million known cases of COVID-19 and 2.84 million deaths worldwide late Saturday afternoon. In the United States, there were 30.6 million cases and 554,717 died.

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