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Outdated social distance measurements are not as effective as we think


Many governments around the world have “social distance” measures such as floor tile markers, posters, taped sinks, one-seat away schemes to prevent people from passing each other and reduce the risk of COVID. Is being carried out.

It’s a familiar sight at work, in shopping centers, in the gym, and even on the streets of many countries.

For over a year, experts have advised that people should be at least 2 meters away from people they don’t live with.

Many facilities around the world have adopted social distance expansion policies, but science is advancing.

Experts urge governments to rethink their approach for months, warning that measuring social distance alone is not sufficient to prevent COVID-19 infection and transmission.

Abolished social distance measurement

Report published in BMJ “2 meters or 1 meter: what is the evidence of physical distance at covid-19?” The rule of social distance is that COVID is based on the movement of the virus or large droplets and small aerial droplets. It states that it has been discontinued because it is based on estimates.

The World Health Organization advises people to stay at least one meter away, but the report’s authors say the communication is more complex than previously thought.The origin of the rule dates back to the 19th century, but recent studies have shown that water droplets carry it. COVID can move more than 2 meters When released by coughing or screaming.

Recently, it has become clear that droplets carrying covids are not the only way for transmission to occur. Infection can also be caused by air exposure.

Fine virus particles from water droplets can remain in the air for hours. Outdoors, these can quickly be blown away. However, indoors, without proper ventilation, droplets can accumulate rapidly.

Masks are an important means of reducing the risk of infection. Not only do they block droplets from the air, they also ensure that COVID-positive people do not emit infectious droplets in the air.

But the mask is not 100%. As a result, some studies have shown that prolonged staying in a closed room with a COVID-positive patient increases the potential risk of getting the virus.

Numerous superspreader studies show evidence that COVID has been reached Get longer in the cold and old air environment.

Temperature check

(Photo: Photo by Gus Fring of Pexels)

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Temperature check is not as effective as you might think

According to the World Health Organization Temperature screening at the inlet and outlet alone is not effective In preventing international spread. WHO warnings are due to the varying incubation period of the virus, which can lead to symptoms such as fever within a few days of infection.

Instead, WHO is calling on the government to tighten the distribution and verification of health declarations for more effective preventive measures.

Other experts say that temperature checking provides some means of detection, There are restrictions It is often misunderstood. In addition, these social distance methods provide the general public with a false sense of security.

Related article: Face masks strapped with chemical cocktails threaten health and the environment

Check out more news and information about COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Science Times.


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