Scientists behind the Swedish coronavirus strategy say the country is ready for the second wave because it has no lockdown
The new Swedish coronavirus spread to more than 17,500 people and killed more than 2,100 people as of Friday, according to the latest statistics from Johns Hopkins University. Incidents continue to grow, but the country is taking a surprising route of not imposing a national blockade.
Despite international criticism of the decision, scientists behind Sweden’s coronavirus strategy have been controversial as the increase in the number of people exposed to the virus is expected to help prevent a second wave of infection. It is claimed that the movements that bring about are effective.
The decision not to do a lockdown “has worked in several ways as our healthcare system has become more responsive,” said Anderstegner, state chief epidemiologist at the Swedish Department of Public Health. BBC Radio Four today program.
The country with the highest death toll in Scandinavia is more than double that of Denmark and nearly four times that of Finland.
However, Tegner said:
“There was already a law that made it illegal for visitors to come to a nursing home. They need to be taken care of at all times, and many who come and go need to be taken care of.
“Thus, it’s a bit unclear to us whether lockdown actually prevented this from happening.”
Earlier this week, Tegner told CNBC that the authorities were “very concerned about older people. That’s the group we said we needed to protect,” and what the risk factors could be. Said he was working with various homes to make sure. Lowered.
Tegner also claims that up to 20% of the population of Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, is infected with the virus, “if I remember correctly, somewhere in 15-20% of our population there is an immune level somewhere. We believe there is Stockholm.
“This is not a complete herd immunity, but it definitely affects the rate of regeneration and slows the spread (of the second wave),” he added.
According to the agency, Stockholm has reported about 15,300 confirmed cases of COVID-19, killing at least 1,765 people, including the very elderly in nursing homes.
On Tuesday, a study by the Swedish Public Health Agency, which predicts almost one-third of Stockholm, claims that by early May the virus had been infected and capital had peaked outbreaks.
About one-third of nearly 1 million people in Stockholm will be infected by May 1, according to a study based on randomized tests and case data reported to hospitals.
According to an official survey, the new infection rate in Stockholm peaked on April 15, but the decline from the data was not yet clear. The study also estimated that for each confirmed case, there were approximately 999 mild cases that were not recorded because people did not seek medical assistance.
Agencies’ vice state epidemiologist Anders Warrensten told reporters at a press briefing on Tuesday: “At least a week ago, at least according to this model, peaked, and we We can expect fewer cases every day. ”
“But remember, two-thirds are uninfected and can be infected.”
“The curve for the number of new cases isn’t there yet, either, as it hasn’t started to decline yet,” he said.
While Tegnell claims that he is “very confident” in his current combat strategy, some medical professionals in the country have raised concerns about the mitigated approach. Sweden.
Soderberg Naukler, one of about 2,300 scholars who signed an open letter to the government earlier this month, would like to introduce stronger measures to protect the country’s healthcare system as cases continue to grow. I asked.
“We need to control the situation. We can’t go to a situation where full confusion occurs. No one has tried this route. [of not imposing a lockdown], So why do we need to test first in Sweden without informed consent? “She told Reuters earlier this month.
“My concern is things [the outbreak] Soderberg Naukler told Radio Sweden that the country was too slow to respond when a resident who traveled to higher risk areas, including the Italian Alps and Iran, first introduced the virus.
Soderberg-Naucler added that he hopes that more rigorous measures will be taken to help slow the spread of the virus in Sweden.
The article, published March 27 and co-authored by two professors of epidemiology at Lund University in Sweden, explains: It is also located in the Stockholm area and, more recently, in northern Jämtland, a popular destination for skiers. On the other hand, some other geographical areas are relatively generous, at least for now. In Malmö, Sweden’s third-largest city, there are few hospitalizations at the time of writing.
“There is no doubt that the fashion will spread, but the speed is disagreeable.
“In the end, given the uneven and relatively modest spread of the virus in Sweden, its first strategy may not be reckless. But, in the future, Sweden will be more rigorous in response to the spread of the virus. Restrictions will have to be imposed, especially in metropolitan areas and in critical health systems, “the authors say, Paul Franks (professor of genetic epidemiology at Lund University) and Peter Nilsson (Lund University). Professor of Internal Epidemiology).
“Swedish authorities believe there are many asymptomatic infections, and only one in five clinically interested people needs to be hospitalized. At this point, there are asymptomatic people. It is difficult to know if this is the case.In Sweden, structured screening has not been carried out, and antibody tests to confirm persons who have actually been infected with COVID-19 and have recovered from COVID-19 have not been carried out.
Last month, Stefan Hanson (another Swedish scholar) and Claudia Hanson (a Swedish epidemiologist) Dagens Nyheter The newspaper said: “I know the situation in Italy … and a few weeks late … I can’t surrender! Britain, which had the same strategy as Sweden, has now completely changed. It’s Stefan Lefven’s [Swedish Prime Minister] Obligation to do the same in Sweden. “
When Newsweek A Swedish spokesman said he contacted the Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Welfare for further comment on the latest status of the outbreak in Sweden and on the aforementioned letter co-created by several scholars. Newsweek: “Unfortunately, the government cannot meet your demands.”
Newsweek We asked the Swedish Prime Minister’s Office, the European Union Minister for Affairs, and the Swedish Medical Association for comment.
Sweden’s current limits include a ban on rallying more than 50 people, but high schools and colleges are closed and courses are taught online. Residents are told to avoid unnecessary travel, and the government works at home wherever possible and avoids contact with older people.
However, schools under 16 will be open as usual, but residents will be able to go to the store as usual and children will be able to play outside. Restaurants, bars, cafes and nightclubs are said to be told to provide table service only.
The new coronavirus, first detected in Wuhan, China, has infected more than 2.7 million people worldwide. As of Friday, more than 192,000 people have died and more than 751,500 have recovered, according to the latest statistics from Johns Hopkins University.
The following graphics provided StatistaIndicates the countries with the most confirmed cases of COVID-19.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advice on using face coverings to delay the spread of COVID-19
- The CDC recommends wearing cloth-covers in public places where maintaining social distance is difficult.
- A simple cloth face covering helps delay the spread of the virus by infected and asymptomatic people.
- Fabric face covers can be made from household items. Guides are provided by CDC. (
- The cloth front cover should be washed regularly. A washing machine is enough.
- Safely remove your face cover without touching your eyes, nose or mouth, and wash your hands immediately after removing the cover.
World Health Organization advice to avoid the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Hygiene advice
- Clean your hands frequently by rubbing them with soap and water or alcohol-based hands.
- Wash your hands after coughing or sneezing. When caring for an illness; before cooking, during cooking, after cooking before eating; after using the toilet; if your hands are clearly dirty. After handling animals and waste.
- Keep at least 1 meter (3 feet) from people who cough or sneeze.
- Do not touch your hands, nose, or mouth. Do not spit in public.
- When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or bent elbow. Immediately throw away the tissue and clean your hands.
Doctor’s advice
- If you have any symptoms, avoid close contact with others.
- If you have a mild illness, such as a headache or runny nose, but you feel sick, stay at home and avoid the possibility of infecting your healthcare facility or other people.
- If you develop serious symptoms (fever, cough, dyspnea), contact your health care provider early and your local health authority in advance.
- Be aware of recent contact and travel details with others and provide them to authorities who can track and prevent the spread of the disease.
- Get the latest information on COVID-19 issued by health authorities and follow their guidance.
How to use a mask and gloves
- A healthy person should wear a mask only when caring for a sick person.
- Wear a mask if you cough or sneeze.
- Masks are effective when used in combination with frequent hand washing.
- Do not touch the mask while wearing it. Clean your hands if you touch the mask.
- Learn how to properly wear, remove, and dispose of masks. Clean your hands after discarding the mask.
- Do not reuse disposable masks.
- Regular bare hand washing is more effective at catching COVID-19 than wearing rubber gloves.
- The COVID-19 virus can still be picked up with rubber gloves and transmitted by touching your face
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