Should my child wear a face mask? We asked the pediatrician
As parents, we tend to want to be better for our children. But the seriousness of the novel Coronavirus Forced us to talk to our children seriously about their safety and the safety of others.
Many parents are wondering if a child should wear a mask when going out because the CDC recommends wearing a cloth cover when going out in public.
If you are over 2 years old, the answer is yes.
But if the child doesn’t understand why the mask is important or why they can’t go out and see their friends or grandparents outdoors, it can be very difficult for parents.
Dr. Rachel J. Thornton, a pediatrician at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and an associate professor of pediatrics, said in an interview conducted via email that parents are open and honest with their children when talking about face masks. Said that is important. And don’t think they don’t want to wear it.
“Make sure you have open, honest, and developmental communication with your child about the mask,” Thornton said. “Keep your conversations and concepts simple enough that they can understand. Before you need to wear a mask, find the time to start a conversation with them about wearing a mask. Help ensure that you have time to rehearse your behavior if necessary. ”
Here, Thornton provides tips and resources on how to talk to your child about the mask without fear of it.
The CDC does not recommend masks for children under 2 years. How about a child under 10?
- In general, face covers worn by children should not pose or pose a choking hazard. As long as the face cover does not pose a choking hazard to children over the age of 2 and can be safely worn without interfering with the child’s breathing ability, no problem. American Academy of Pediatrics Has useful information for parents, including a set of frequently asked questions about fabric face coverings for children in COVID-19. Parent / caregiver website.
Do children need to wear masks when taking a walk with their parents?
- A general rule of thumb is to cover your face if you may not be able to maintain your full physical distance according to the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (that is, if you maintain a distance of 6 feet from others). Recommended. If the child is outdoors for a walk or play 6 feet away from others who are not members of the same family, the guidance suggests that they do not need to cover their face. For example, if you are taking a walk in the neighborhood with your family. If you need to go to a place where it is difficult for your child to keep a physical distance of 6 feet from others at all times, such as a necessary trip to a grocery store or pharmacy, CDC guidelines recommend the use of non-medical devices masks or face covers. It is important to note that wearing a face cover does not eliminate the need to maintain a physical distance. To minimize the risk of COVID-19 infection and prevent the spread of infection, it is still important to keep at least 6 feet away when possible, even when wearing a face cover.
Any tips on how to wear a mask without scaring an infant / child?
- Even small children can teach healthy habits such as washing their hands. To teach healthy habits like handwashing, it’s helpful to use simple age-appropriate words. Practicing or rehearsing a behavior can also help integrate it into your child’s routine. When talking to an infant or toddler about the mask, keep the conversation calm. Allows you to proceed at your own pace. Use a developmentally relevant and direct language. Ask the children to ask questions and share what they know and how they feel.
- Establishing a consistent routine, rehearsing and confirming what will happen next, and giving the child enough time to transition between activities all help the child to learn and anxiety in new experiences. You can reduce the level.
- Try to resist the urge to assume that your child will react negatively to wearing a mask. Instead, they will share their ideas and ask them what they think. They may be excited to wear fun patterns and masks of their liking. You may also want to give them the opportunity to practice wearing a mask at home and see them practice wearing a medical mask or face cover to get used to it.
- Making masks at home and donating to others can be activities that give the child a sense of being safe and helping others.
- It is important to note that covering the face distracts the children and may cause them to touch the face more than usual. Guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics available at Suggests reconsidering the use of a cloth face mask if it causes the child to touch the face more often than when not wearing it.
Are there breathing problems for children or masks that parents should be aware of?
- The CDC recommends that you don’t wear a face cover if your child has an impediment to their ability to breathe normally, or if they can’t remove the mask themselves if necessary. These are important factors to keep in mind. Do not wear a cloth face cover if you are physically handicapped or cannot remove the cover yourself if necessary.
Do your children have special needs, such as wearing a mask with a filter?
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend cloth surface covers. So are the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics. For most people, these cloth face covers are best suited for community settings, where physical distance may not be possible. There may be specific circumstances in which another type of mask is recommended. Children with severe or chronic illness, including immunodeficiency or significant lung disease or other conditions, should discuss the most directly with the child’s health care provider and wear the most appropriate type and approach for wearing a facial cover that suits their needs. For guidance on.
What if my child is ill and needs to go to the doctor? Are the protocols currently different?
- If your child is experiencing emergency medical care, call 911 to go to the emergency department for evaluation and treatment.
- If your child is ill with mild symptoms that you can manage at home, you should contact your child’s health care provider to discuss the specific circumstances surrounding the illness and the symptoms they are experiencing. This way, your child’s healthcare provider can give your child specific recommendations, whether you need to see your child directly, whether you can use video visits or telehealth visits, Or you can suggest whether you recommend a particular treatment about the symptoms of the disease your child has. Calling your child’s health care provider with questions or guidance may take appropriate precautions to prevent the risk of COVID-19 exposure or infection and help your child receive the care they need, in the right place. You will be able to.
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