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Pediatricians say Covid-19 affects children more than the first wave

Pediatricians say Covid-19 affects children more than the first wave


According to Dr. Subash Rao, a pediatrician at Reliance Hospital and Fortis Hospital (Navi Mumbai), the Covid-19 virus has undergone double mutations (changes in genetic structure), and the current strain is present in many people, especially children. It is said that it is highly infectious.

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In response to parents’ most frequent questions about the effects of coronavirus on children, Dr. Lao said the opposite trend was seen in the second wave of children developing symptoms before adults. ..

“The second wave of Covid is known to have a greater impact on children than the first wave, and the opposite trend is seen: children develop symptoms first, then adults. The difference is that most children were asymptomatological in the first wave, but in the second wave, fever, cold, dry cough, loose movement, vomiting, undernourishment, fatigue, loss of appetite. There are common symptoms such as, and like any other viral fever, there are breathing difficulties and rashes, “he said.

“Also, another reason for increased infections in children is increased exposure to outdoor play, travel, improper behavior and laziness,” he added.

The pediatrician said that if the child shows symptoms of Covid-19 infection, an RTPCR test should be done by day 2.

“Don’t delay or hesitate to test. Early diagnosis helps early treatment. If your parents are Covid-19-positive asymptomatic children, you don’t need to test, but you should keep it at home. Yes. 14 days of quarantine. “

Doctors said the child had a fever for two days, but if he recovered later, he would need to be quarantined at home for 14 days unless he was tested. COVID-19 And their report is negative on the fifth day.

“Remember that children can act as silent carriers or’superspreaders’ and spread it to other children and adults who may have a serious illness,” he said.

He added that sending children to live with someone else is the “most dangerous” thing if parents are tested positive. “Remember that your child is already infected with the virus, even if you have no symptoms. Your child may innocently convey the infection to the elderly you sent. Therefore, you are in quarantine. It is wise to keep it at home. If possible, the index (affected) patient can be isolated in a separate room and the other unaffected members can stay in the same house. ” Stated.

Dr. Lao said that if a child tests positive for Covid-19, there is no need to rush to the hospital for hospitalization.

“After consulting a pediatrician, you can monitor at home. Watch out for symptoms such as red flags and dangerous signs of shortness of breath, fever for more than 5 days, lack of oral intake, and a rash,” he said. I did.

He added that even if one member of the family is Covid-19 positive, the entire family needs to be quarantined for 14 days.

“But if going out is unavoidable, asymptomatic members can be tested for Covid RT PCR on day 5. If the report is negative, they can go out.” Dr. Rao said.

Dr. Lao added that even if people were vaccinated or recovered positively, they would still need to wear masks and comply with other Covid-19 standards.

“No vaccine is 100% protective against any illness. Of course, as studies show, it also protects against severe illnesses. Therefore, to protect yourself and others, vaccines You still have to wear a mask even if you inoculate it, “he said. ..

He added that people are currently not approved to use the Covid vaccine in their children, so people need to disinfect their hands, wear masks when going out, and stay at a social distance.

“Adults are role models for children. As a parent, practicing your child will copy the same,” he concluded.

This story was published from a news agency feed without changing the text.

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