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Pasco County withdraws executive order mandating face masks

Pasco County withdraws executive order mandating face masks


Pasco County, Florida — Mandatory face mask opponents show signs of relief after the Pasco County government announced on Monday that it would withdraw an executive order requiring face masks to be worn in most indoor public places. I am.

The new Executive Order 20-10, which withdraws the face mask requirement, will come into effect soon. The Pasco County Commission passed an order in June last year to mandate masks indoors.

Pasco officials said they considered several factors in deciding to relax the requirements for facial coverings, including lower hospitalization rates for coronavirus and higher vaccination rates.

The announcement was made on the same day that the state began vaccinating all Florida adults over the age of 18, allowing all teens over the age of 16 to vaccinate the Pfizer vaccine.

The Pasco County Ministry of Health noted that hospitalization rates for patients with severe coronavirus symptoms have been steadily declining over the past few weeks, increasing the number of beds available.

In addition, 70% of Pasco County residents aged 65 and over are vaccinated, and 57% of Pasco residents aged 50 and over are vaccinated at least once.

As of Monday, Pasco County reported 37,013 coronavirus-positive cases since the pandemic began in March 2020, with 2,423 suffering severe symptoms requiring hospitalization and 697 deaths. did.

While hospitalizations are declining, the county has experienced a gradual rise in positive coronavirus cases over the past few weeks.

After experiencing a low positive rate of 5% in March, the county positive rate has returned to 7.37%. Nevertheless, the overwhelming number of Pasco County residents tested for coronavirus is negative. The Ministry of Health received 48,494 test results from Pasco County on Sunday and reported that only 3,572 residents were positive for coronavirus.

There are some exceptions to removing the face mask rule.

  • All public transport buses in Pasco County continue to require face covers in accordance with transportation and security management requirements.
  • Cancellation of orders does not apply to facilities outside the jurisdiction of the Pasco County Commission, such as schools and courthouses.

While the DOH lifts mandatory orders, major public health agencies recommend wearing face covers, keeping social distances, and washing hands frequently, even after vaccination. I said there is.

“Pasco County strongly recommends that you continue to wear face covers in public indoor areas where social distance cannot be maintained,” said Tambray Rain, Pasco County Media Relations & Communications Division.

All appointments for this week at the Vaccination Clinic run by Saint Leo University’s Pasco County and the Gulf View Square Mall in Port Richey have been met.

Pasco County offers the next opportunity to make an appointment to obtain the vaccine through CDR Magwire Online patient portal Friday 2:00 pm

In addition, the resident is Tampa’s 755 E. Waters Ave. You have the option to get the vaccine without reservation at the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s site at Tampa Greyhound Racecourse. This site is open 7 days a week from 7 am to 7 pm.

Residents can also be vaccinated through participating Walgreens, CVS, Publix, Winn-Dixie, and Walmart pharmacies.

  • Publix, 7830 Land O’Lakes Blvd., Land O’Lakes in Connerton’s Arbor Square
  • Publix at Chelsea Place, 1346 Seven Springs Blvd., New Park Richey
  • Publix of Collier Commons, 2121 Collier Parkway, Land Olakes
  • CVS Pharmacy, 1929 Bruce B. Downs Boulevard, Wesley Chapel
  • Publix, Hayes Road Town Center, 14851 State Highway 52, Hudson
  • Holly Brook Plaza Publix, 5400 Bruce B. Downs Boulevard, Wesley Chapel
  • Mitchell Ranch Plaza Publix, 3100 Little Road, Trinity
  • Publix at River Crossing, 5324 Little Road, New Port Richey
  • Regency Crossing Publix, 7037 Ridge Road, Port Richey
  • Riverwalk Crossing Publix, 1140 Ridge Road, New Port Richey
  • County site in Gulf View Square, 9409 US 19, Port Richey
  • Publix at Shops in New Tampa, 1920 County Road 581, Wesley Chapel
  • Publix, 12500 State Road 54, Odessa at Trinity Lakes Shops
  • Shops at the Shops of Golden Acres, 9850 Little Road, New Port Richey
  • Winn-Dixie, 1640 US 19, Holiday
  • Winn-Dixie, 27301 Wesley Chapel Blvd., Wesley Chapel
  • Southgate Shopping Center Publix, 5127 US 19 S., New Port Richey
  • Saint Leo University, 33701 State Road 52, Saint Leo County Site
  • Publix, 13589 State Road 54, Odessa, Starkey Ranch Town Square
  • Publix, 32765 Eiland Blvd., Zephyrhills at Summer Tree Plaza
  • Shoppes at Sunlake Center Publix, 18901 State Road 54, Lutz
  • Publix, 11830 US 301, Dade City, The Shoppes of Dade City
  • Publix on Tower Oaks Terrace, 12101 Little Road Hudson
  • Walmart, 28500 State Road 54, Wesley Chapel
  • Zephyr Commons Publix, 7838 Gall Blvd., Zephyrhills

click Here Scheduled at Publix.
click Here For a promise at Winn-Dixie.
click Here For a promise at CVS.
click Here For a promise at Walmart.
click Here Make a reservation in Walgreens.

To find a vaccination site near you Click Vaccine Locator, Florida Department of Health.

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