The entire upstate is underneath a sheet of yellow pollen. Here are some ways to reduce allergic symptoms:
Upstate, South Carolina (WSPA) – Due to the high temperatures in South Carolina, many enjoy the weather, while others are evacuating indoors to fend off seasonal allergic symptoms.
According to the CDC, pollen is the main cause of sneezing and sneezing in South Carolina people.
Yellow pollen eruptions that are found in the air and cover cars, buildings, and other objects can cause allergic symptoms, but most people’s problems result from pollen that is invisible to the naked eye.
according to, Oak, poplar and maple trees produce the most allergens in Spartanberg.
Every year, people are looking for new ways to minimize their symptoms as much as possible.
CDC experts report that pollen-related costs exceed $ 3 billion annually, and nearly half of those costs come from prescription drugs for people suffering from seasonal allergies.
Doctors said there are some actions you can take to relieve symptoms, some include:
- Check pollen forecasts in local news and online sources and plan to spend less time outdoors when pollen levels are high.
- Take allergy and / or asthma medications as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
- Keep the windows closed during the pollen season.
- Use high efficiency filters in home heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Make sure that the HVAC system can use high efficiency filters.
To protect yourself, local health professionals recommend that you wash your hands and clothes as much as possible before touching anything in the house, avoiding eye contact while on the go.
“You can see the number of pollen every day. On days when the number of pollen is very high, keep the windows of the house closed, if you are working outside, if you go out and take a shower and wash your hair. Don’t do too much activity, “said Jeff Harris, American Family Care Physician and Medical Director.
Harris said it was important to know the difference between allergic and COVID-19 symptoms.
Allergic patients rarely develop high fever or sudden loss of taste. Patients with COVID-19 do not have itching or watery eyes and rarely sneeze excessively.
According to American Family Care healthcare providers, there are several things that can exacerbate allergies.
- Drink alcohol – Drinking an extra glass of wine at dinner can irritate existing allergies. A Danish study found that adding alcoholic beverages per week increased the risk of seasonal allergies by 3%. Researchers suspect that bacteria and yeast in alcohol produce histamine, causing stuffy nose and itchy eyes.
- Make your bed– Dust mites love to take root in bedding and mattresses. AFC healthcare providers say that the moisture from your body’s sweat helps keep small creatures alive at night while you sleep. When you make a bed in the morning, you’re pushing those nasty bugs, so they can’t escape. Broadcasting sheets can make it difficult for allergens and bed bugs to stay alive.
- Wear contact lenses– In some cases, AFC providers say the lens can trap pollen on the surface of the eye. This can be even more problematic for those who are already suffering from the red and itchy eyes caused by seasonal allergies.
- Eat certain fruits and vegetables- Researchers at the American Asthma and Allergy Foundation have discovered that proteins in certain foods can cause itching in the mouth of ragweed patients. Experts say bananas, melons and tomatoes can cause cross-reactivity.
- Use of the dishwasher– According to a Swedish study published in a pediatric journal, children do not develop as many allergies when they eat hand-washed dishes instead of dishwasher-washed dishes and bowls. Researchers have found that automatic dishwashers kill so many bacteria that children can’t boost their immunity.
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