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SC health officials report 324 new COVID-19 cases and 6 more deaths


Columbia, South Carolina (WBTV)-Health authorities in South Carolina reported 324 new COVID-19 cases across the state on Wednesday.

In South Carolina, 468,939 positive cases have been identified since the outbreak of the pandemic.

There were six more coronavirus-related deaths reported on Wednesday.

Since March 2020, 8,118 people have been confirmed dead in the state.

As of Wednesday, a total of 6,912,426 COVID-19 tests were conducted throughout the state. The positive rate of cases is 7.9%.

Health officials said on January 30 that the first confirmed case of the B.1.1.7 mutant of COVID-19 was Found in the state..

South Carolina Vaccine Resources

How to change DHEC COVID-19% positive is calculated

Officials from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environment have announced that they will change the way the positive rate is calculated for COVID-19 cases.

Previously, state health authorities produced a positive percentage by dividing the number of people who gave a positive result by the number of people who underwent an overall test, including positive and negative results. ..

This new method is calculated by dividing all positive COVID-19 tests by the total number of positive and negative COVID-19 tests and multiplying the result by 100 to get a percentage.

When this new method is implemented, the general public will see a significant reduction in the number of positive percentages. However, DHEC officials have emphasized that this does not mean that the level of community adoption has declined.

“The positive rate seems to be low just because the calculation method is different,” state health officials said Tuesday afternoon.

According to a press release, DHEC will not only use this new method in the future, but will also recalculate the positive rate while COVID-19 is being tracked in South Carolina.

South Carolina Announces Transition of Coronavirus Case Report

“As part of DHEC’s ongoing improvement efforts to improve the quality of the information provided by DHEC, daily COVID-19 data will be provided 24 hours later from November 27, 2020. Due to this delay Allows for a more robust analysis of pre-publication data. Reporting. DHEC epidemics and data analysts have more time to review the vast amount of data and information reported daily to agencies. Has additional time to validate data, validate death reports, and improve the processing of large data files submitted by reporting partners, which allows DHEC data and medical professionals to improve their data. You can increase the time to identify and investigate inconsistencies and anomalies. This transition has no impact on government agencies’ efforts to protect public health and limit the spread of illness. The case investigator will continue to attempt contact with all positive cases within 24 hours of notification of the positive result. “

If you are around the community or others, or if you are socially unable to stay away or wear a mask, it is advisable to take the test at least once a month.

Regular examinations allow public health workers to diagnose asymptomatic individuals and prevent the spread of the virus in progress. Learn who should take the test.

Nursing home for reporting visits

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environment (DHEC) Public health order Therefore, all nursing homes and community home care facilities licensed by DHEC must submit a weekly report detailing their current visits.

According to South Carolina health authorities, the public health order continues to protect the health of caregiver residents and employees while providing safe and careful visits to family, friends and loved ones. Published as part of a traditional effort. Under public health orders, DHEC-approved nursing homes and community home care facilities must provide, among other things, the following information:

  • Provides a reason if the facility allows the visit, and if not, does not allow the visit
  • Number of residents who have participated in the visit in the last 7 days

DHEC reporting cases in public / private schools in South Carolina

On September 4, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environment announces announcing an online resource that provides COVID-19 cases related to South Carolina 12th grade public and private school students, faculty, and all kindergartens. Did.

Health officials say it is important to remember that this report does not mean that students, faculty, or staff have been infected with the virus at school. Only students, faculty and staff who regularly physically attend the school or school campus are included in the count. Also, some schools may choose to self-publish the case before it is reflected in the DHEC’s twice-weekly report.

DHEC clarifies CDC information on COVID-19 death

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environment (DHEC) has revealed a misunderstanding about data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding COVID-19-related deaths.

Interim mortality data updated by the CDC show that COVID-19 is the only cause of death mentioned for 6% of deaths from COVID-19. The remaining 94% of deaths were among people in other underlying or contributing conditions, but COVID-19 was still the cause of death.

Causes of death listed on the death certificate include direct causes, intermediate causes, underlying causes, and causative conditions.

A common cause of death involving COVID-19 is having acute respiratory distress syndrome as a direct cause of death, which is the ultimate cause of death. The intermediate cause of death was pneumonia, and COVID-19 was the underlying cause of death.

The underlying cause of death is a condition that leads directly to the cause of death through an intermediate cause.

Factors may include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, or other illnesses or conditions that may have exacerbated the condition that caused the death.

Do I need a face mask for SC?

Governor Henry McMaster has announced mask requirements that will take effect on Monday, August 3, at several South Carolina facilities.

All previously recommended guidelines for restaurants and other facilities that attract groups of people are now mandatory. This includes wearing a face mask or cover.

As part of a state-wide “mask-up” campaign aimed at encouraging young people and young people to wear face masks, DHEC offers free mask content that anyone can share on social media to friends and followers. We encourage you to wear a face cover in public. ..

DHEC’s Public Health Institute receives samples from healthcare providers who are tested for COVID-19. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved several private laboratories to also test for COVID-19. These labs need to report positive tests for viruses to South Carolina residents to DHEC.

A summary of the numbers, graphics, and mappings for the number of cases tested, observed, and predicted in South Carolina, as well as additional details regarding the distribution of cases can be found on the Cases page. By county and zip code And Demographic data..

Confirmed cases and possible cases and death

South Carolina reports both confirmed and possible cases and deaths throughout the state. DHEC defines the differences between these statistics as follows:

  • A Confirmed case Is an individual who has undergone a confirmatory virus test through a cotton swab in the throat or nose and whose sample has been tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. A positive viral test, also known as a PCR or molecular test, is sufficient to classify confirmed cases.
  • A Possible cases An individual who has not been tested for confirmed viruses but has. Epidemiological and clinical evidence of infection.. Antibody-positive results no longer classify an individual as a possible case. Antibody-positive results are classified as suspicious cases.
  • A Confirmed death Death is associated with COVID-19 and is tested positive for COVID-19 confirmed virus.
  • A Possibility of death Individuals who have a COVID-19 disease or SARS-CoV-2 listed as a cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death on the death certificate, but have not been tested for a confirmed virus.

This web page It will be updated to provide information on possible cases and deaths and to reflect the latest CDC recommendations for reporting this new information.

Hospitalization in South Carolina

South Carolina is currently not reporting the exact number of hospitalizations due to COVID-19.

Since Wednesday, July 22, DHEC states that hospitals are “actively transitioning to a new federal reporting system to provide bed occupancy and other important information.” DHEC monitors efforts to move to the new system. “

DHEC Public health order We support the transition from NHSN to TeleTracking on July 15th.

For SC Demographic data, Including Latest recovery rate For the state click here..

As the state almost reopened and Governor Henry McMaster said the blockade would not return, Dove emphasized the importance of those who take action to combat the COVID-19 epidemic.

Two things people can do are easy: Social distance and wear a mask..

The risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus remains high in public places in any community. To reduce the spread, health authorities advise everyone to take the following precautions:

  • Maintain social distance by staying at least 6 feet away from others
  • Wear a cloth mask that covers your nose and mouth in public
  • Do not touch items that you touch frequently
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Monitor symptoms and stay home when sick

You should stay home and be tested for coronavirus if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • heat
  • Dyspnea
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • Loss of odor
  • Vomiting, nausea and / or diarrhea

Copyright 2020 WBTV. all rights reserved.


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