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Coronavirus: In Maharastra, mutations raise infectivity concerns

Coronavirus: In Maharastra, mutations raise infectivity concerns


One of two mutations feared to spread rapidly in Maharashtra makes Sars-Cov-2 more proficient in infecting humans, improving its ability to multiply in the host, and perhaps humans. May have the ability to escape the more complex parts of the immune response, suggests a new study awaiting peer review.

Once the findings are established, it can explain the surge in Western provinces not only in the capital Mumbai, but also in other cities such as Pune and Nagpur.

The findings are related to a mutation known as L452R, one of the two “double mutations” that the Government of India said was found in large numbers in parts of Maharashtra. The state is India’s most devastated region, and the exponential growth of infections has forced authorities to regain curbs, such as blockades.

So far, little was known about this mutation in particular, but it is part of the mutation that caused a similarly serious wave of infection in California.

Currently, a team led by Japanese researchers is able to escape from what is known as HLA-A24 restricted immunity, where the L452R mutation can “potentially increase viral infectivity” and refers to the effects of adaptive immunity in the human body. I found that I could do it.

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“Frankly, these two findings mean that the L452R may be more dangerous than the prototype (the main Sars-Cov-2 variant), especially for people with the HLA-A24 type. “” Said Kei Sato, one of the authors and a professor at the institute. University of Tokyo School of Medicine, email exchange.

HLA-A24 refers to a specific gene that some people carry, and the authors state that it is most commonly found in populations of eastern and Southeast Asian countries. Some people tend to influence how cell-mediated immunity works, in which case it appears to be hampered in the context of Sars-Cov-2 infection.

This study, based on laboratory experiments, showed that L452R imparts multiple properties: the S protein, which the virus uses to latch into human cells, appears to be more stable and ACE2 (virus). (Entering the cell), which has increased affinity for the receptors or doorways used by the virus), and it seemed to enhance how the virus propagated.

There are multiple levels of immune response to pathogens such as Sars-Cov-2, including antibodies that bind to the virus and prevent it from infecting humans, and killer T cells that destroy infected cells.

HLA-restricted immunity affects the mechanism of killer T cells. This is very important because it individually establishes a link between the timing and nature of the immune response and how serious the disease can be to someone. 19 has a delayed immune response.

“Therefore, we can assume that HLA-restricted CTLs (cytotoxic T cells or killer T cells) play an important role in controlling SARS-CoV-2 infection and Covid-19 damage,” the authors say. Stated in the study.

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This is not the first time that a particular Sars-Cov-2 mutation has been shown to evade some elements of cell-mediated immunity, but it is the first time that a widespread mutation has been shown to characterize it. ..

Sato then said the team would evaluate how this mutation affects the immunity provided by the vaccine.

Indeed, how a Maharashtra variant behaves requires testing and epidemiological analysis involving the variant itself. Variants also contain multiple mutations that can be combined to add or remove specific properties from Sars-Cov-2.


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