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According to a survey, about 40,000 children lost their parents in COVID-19


A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) estimates that nearly 40,000 children have lost their parents with COVID-19.

Researchers have determined that the family network and “based on an assessment of the bereavement multiplier of the parent, 0.078% of children aged 0 to 17 left the bereavement of the parent due to the pandemic.” The sum of this estimate is between 37,300 and 43,000.

“Children who have lost their parents are at increased risk of traumatic grief, depression, poor education, unintentional death and suicide, and these results can persist into adulthood,” the study authors write. I am.

“Sudden parental deaths such as those caused by COVID-19 can be particularly traumatic for children and leave families unprepared to navigate the consequences,” the author continued. ..

The· Survey It was held between February 2020, when the pandemic began, and February 2021.

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“The number of children experiencing the death of their parents on COVID-19 is staggering,” the researchers write. For comparison, the September 11, 2001 attacks killed 3,000 children. ”

The study also notes that black children are disproportionately affected. The authors found that black children make up 14% of the population, while 20% of children who lost their parents due to the virus. Nevertheless, the authors warned of possible restrictions on studies that rely primarily on demographic modeling rather than data from primary caregivers.

In addition, the author advocated a policy stance to assist bereaved children both now and in the future, especially when leaders form a position on reopening and future blockades.

“Drastic national reforms are needed to address the health, education and economic impacts that affect children,” the authors say. “Especially during this period of heightened social isolation, we need targeted support for the children of our parents’ bereaved families to help with grief.”

More than 555,000 people have died of COVID-19 in the United States. according to For CDC data.

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