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COVID Vaccine Update: UK variants responsible for most US infections

COVID Vaccine Update: UK variants responsible for most US infections
COVID Vaccine Update: UK variants responsible for most US infections


New York (WABC)-According to the CDC, a highly contagious and perhaps more deadly British variant is currently the most prevalent new source of COVID infection in the United States.

According to the CDC, this strain is at least 50% more contagious than previous virus strains and is probably more deadly.

“As we relax the restrictions and add the fact that more people travel, young people spread and are more infectious variants, it prepares for more outbreaks,” said the pediatrician. Dr. Alok Patel said.

COVID hospitalizations are increasing in at least 16 states. Health experts say the vaccine is still effective against mutants, making the competition for vaccination more urgent.

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Today’s heading is:

Florida sues federal government to allow cruises to sail
In Florida Proceedings against the federal government Governor Ron DeSantis announced Thursday to demand that cruise ships be allowed to sail immediately.

DeSantis said the ban on sailing is outdated and hurting the state as the industry creates billions of dollars in the economy and employs tens of thousands of Floridians.

“Long-distance” COVID: Doctors describe patients’ “overwhelming headaches” and “cognitive symptoms” after recovery
There is growing concern about what is being called “Long distance” COVID-19.. These are protracted and often cause serious symptoms for someone after being infected with the virus.

A medical study published this week found that one in three survivors of the coronavirus deals with severe neurological symptoms.

Walk-up vaccination program for senior citizens aged 75 and over expands again
The number of vaccination sites that do not require reservations for some New Yorkers has increased to 26. Elderly companions, such as home health assistants, are also eligible to be vaccinated at these sites.

Announced by Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City Increasing number of walk-up vaccine sites for New Yorkers over 75 On Tuesday-and another extension to the program on Thursday.

New NYC COVID School Closure Regulations

Mayor Bill de Blasio announces NYC Public School 2 Case Rule Exchange Plan.. This is a multi-part plan that takes into account the number of cases and the location of the COVID epidemic.

One case identified in the classroom means that the classroom is virtualized.
Having a couple of cases a week at school means more tests.

The 10-day school closure threshold includes:
-1 or more per week
-In various classrooms
-Dating back to known exposures in school

UK infections are reduced by about 60% during vaccination and blockade
According to a new study, the UK’s COVID-19 vaccination program is beginning to break the link between infection and serious illness and death. Researchers at Imperial College London found that COVID-19 infections were reduced by about 60% in March as national blockades slowed the spread of the virus.

People over the age of 65 were least likely to be infected because they benefited most from the vaccination program. The study also found that the relationship between infectious diseases and mortality was diversifying, suggesting that “infectious diseases may have resulted in reduced hospitalization and mortality since the start of widespread vaccination. There is. ” However, researchers also cautioned that the infection rate had leveled off as the government began to ease the blockade of the country.

Australia Stops AstraZeneca Vaccine for Most People Under 50
Australia has become the latest country to limit the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine by recommending that people under the age of 50 not be vaccinated. The announcement came after drug regulators held a series of emergency meetings earlier in the day.

UK and European Union regulators have emphasized that the benefits of receiving the vaccine continue to outweigh the risks, but the European Medicines Agency has found a “potential link” between shots and rare blood clots. Most people who have been advised after mentioning. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he had received a series of recommendations, most importantly that the Pfizer vaccine should be the preferred vaccine for people under the age of fifty.

How Americans Used Pandemic Stimulation Payments
Americans have saved or paid off their debts on most of their pandemic stimulus payments, According to the survey From the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Given $ 600 to eligible Americans, survey respondents said they spent or will spend 25.5% of the total on their second bailout check issued at the end of December. Respondents said the other 74% are or will be heading for debt repayment (37.4%) or savings (37.1%).

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Supply Problem
There are bumps in the vaccination competition path and there are concerns about how it will affect the tri-state area.Federal government Johnson and Johnson vaccine doses will be reduced Due to production issues, I’m going to the New York City area and across the country next week.

According to the CDC, Johnson and Johnson’s shots will be allocated less than 800,000 times next week, a 85% reduction.

Vaccination of the New York Yankees
The New York Yankees announced on Wednesday that all athletes, coaches and staff had been vaccinated.

“The New York Yankees would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Philip Ozua, President of the Montefiore Medical Center, and a group of diligent and dedicated medical staff at this Bronx-based hospital in Yankee. Tonight, a stadium to inoculate New York Yankees players, coaches, field staff, and support staff with the COVID vaccine. The process is seamless and efficient, and receiving the vaccine can help stop the COVID-19 epidemic. Thank you .. “

When did you realize that the COVID pandemic changed everything?
Many of us had the most frequent moments in March 2020 when we realized that COVID-19 had completely changed our lives forever. We were able to move forward and adapt to the new normal, but that memory still remains with us. Tell me: what was that moment for you???

Top 7 COVID Vaccine Questions Answered
I had a question about the COVID-19 vaccine 7 Your side is getting the answer to you From a doctor at the forefront of a pandemic.

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