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Two deaths related to COVID-19 reported on Thursday


(File photo / Jada Taylor)

Health officials in Saskatchewan reported two new deaths associated with COVID-19 on Thursday.

There was one death in the Saskatoon zone over 80 years old and one in the southeastern zone of the 70-79 years old group.

This includes two deaths announced Wednesday, as well as those aged 30 in the North Central Zone and those aged 80 and over living in Regina.

The number of deaths associated with COVID-19 has increased to 447.

There were four cases reported in North Central on Thursday. And it includes Prince Albert.

This was one of a total of 205 cases reported in the state. Regina led the state with 91 new cases reported.

Prince Albert North Central 2 has 31 active cases. North Central 1 has 18 active cases and North Central 3 has 21 active cases, including communities such as Christopher Lake, Candle Lake, and Mee Spark.

Currently, 206 COVID-19 patients are hospitalized throughout the state. Of the 165 people reported to receive patient care, three are in North Central. Of the 41 people reported to be in the intensive care unit, four are in North Central.

The current 7-day average of new cases is 226, or 18.4 cases per 100,000 population. Of the 35,376 COVID-19 cases reported in Saskatchewan, 2,141 are believed to be active. An additional 200 collections were reported on Thursday, bringing the total number of collections to 32,788.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 8,245 cases have come from the northern region (3,346 in the northwest, 3,540 in the center, 1,359 in the northeast).

There were 3,151 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 7.

As of Thursday, 687,328 COVID-19 tests are being conducted in Saskatchewan.

In Saskatchewan, 10,437 COVID-19 vaccines were given, bringing the total number of vaccines given in the state to 244,646. This was the highest daily total of vaccines administered.

There were 925 doses in the North Central Zone reported on Monday. Dosages were also given in adjacent northeast, northwest, far northwest, far northeast, central east, central west, southwest, southeast, southwest, southwest, Regina, and Saskatoon.

223 doses were given with the living area reserved.

The COVID-19 vaccine reservation system currently includes residents over the age of 58. Eligible residents are advised to book the COVID-19 vaccine online or by phone.

21 Concerns Identified in North Central

As of April 7, there are 21 confirmed concerns variants (VOCs) cases identified by the states of the North Central Zone, including Prince Albert.

This was one of the 2,948 variants of concern previously identified by screening in Saskatchewan. Other areas where cases have been identified include Regina, Saskatoon, Far Northeast, Central West, Central East, Southwest, South Central, and Southeast. Currently, there are 19 cases where the area of ​​residence is pending.

Regina led the state with 1,898 identified VOCs.

Although these were previously reported as “estimated positives,” all screening tests are considered confirmed VOCs for public reporting and contact research purposes.

There were no new strain results reported today. Of the 951 VOCs with strains identified by Saskatchewan whole genome sequencing, 943 are B1.1.1.7 (UK) and eight are B1.351 (SA).

The Regina Zone accounts for 802 (84 percent) of confirmed strain-identified VOC cases in Saskatchewan.

Public health measures extended until April 26

The state announced on Wednesday that existing public health measures would be extended until April 26. This announcement was made due to the ever-increasing variety of concerns, as well as hospitalization in the Regina area.

Elise Hildebrandt, CEO of the Prince Albert Chamber of Commerce, said the local economy is ubiquitous and will be affected.

“I think it will create a lot of impatience for people, and (they) will go.” All right, it’s working. Alright, let’s go. Let’s go out. It was safe to walk outside without a mask throughout the winter. “I was very grateful for the mask at minus 40, but I think there will be more people in the summer.” Let’s get out. .. Thankfully, it’s summer so I can go out, “she said.

Hildebrand urged residents to continue to comply with public health restrictions.

“I could go by the park and there weren’t many people when it was minus 40, but now I’m past it, for example, there’s a skatepark I’m thinking of, and it’s been all winter. I’m dead, but I’m nervous because I can drive anytime and it’s full of people. “

“The government may demand more (restrictions), and it always feels like it’s our small business that has to give up while the people working for the government continue to collect salaries. “

  • With Jason Carr’s files

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