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Publish the numbers on a long Covid to show “immeasurable suffering.”Long Covid


The number of people suffering from long Covids, as well as those infected or hospitalized with the coronavirus, should be published regularly, and MPs and peers are urging Boris Johnson.

A parliamentary cross-party group wants to ensure that the “huge human suffering” associated with this situation helps shape future government policies towards a pandemic.

Thirty-two lawmakers and 33 associates prioritize the potential harm posed by the long Covid, following the National Bureau of Statistics’ discovery last week that an estimated 1.1 million people are suffering from the effects on Johnson. I signed a letter urging you to. Thought.

Signatories come from eight political parties, including former Health Minister Dr. Dan Paulter, a Tories lawmaker. Surgeon and former Minister of Health Sir Darji. And Dr. Philippa Whitford of SNPMP, an NHS breast surgeon.

In a letter coordinated by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Coronavirus, they said: We urge the government to count the number of people who have left long covids. Many of them were killed by this pandemic.

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“Your government has promised to be guided by’data, not dates’. This pledge risks becoming an empty slogan unless comprehensive data is collected in a long Covid and considered in future decisions. “

According to ONS, public sector workers such as medical staff, teachers and transport workers are most affected by long-term Covid. Symptoms include pain, malaise, heart problems, and “brain fog,” which often prevent affected individuals from functioning normally.

Porter said the ONS numbers should serve as an awakening call for the true prevalence of postviral syndrome. “As the blockade is eased, the government needs to consider the potential long-term effects of the coronavirus, including those who are otherwise healthy and healthy, or else it will add to the already overkill medical services. There is a risk that more people will be under pressure and suffer from the long-term symptoms of this cruel disease. “

The letter calls the long Covid “a hidden health crisis in a pandemic,” stating: “People suffering from long covids were mostly overlooked between the first and second waves of this pandemic. Given what we now know about this condition, making the same mistake again is not possible. Will not be forgiven. “

Another signator, Labor Party councilor Andrew Gwynne, who has long suffered from Covid himself, said: It risks causing a time bomb to tick the NHS, the economy, and the key workers most likely to be affected by the long Covid. “

In Minutes released on Monday At a meeting of the Government’s Emergency Science Advisory Group (Sage) on March 31, its members, including Professor Chris Whitti, Chief Health Officer of the United Kingdom, and Sir Patrick Valence, Chief Science Advisor, This means fewer people will be hospitalized or die from Covid. “There are other effects, including post-Covid syndrome (” long Covid “). “

Sage states: “The overall prevalence and effects of these syndromes are not well understood and have no potential role in vaccination. This is used when assessing the effects of different levels of prevalence. You need to consider. “

We asked Downing Street for comment.

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