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Coronavirus: BC has recorded over 1,200 new cases for two consecutive days


The number of COVID-19 in British Columbia continues to grow.

In a written statement this afternoon (April 9), Dr. Bonnie Henry of the State Department of Health said an additional 1,262 tests across BC returned virus-positive in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 109,540 new totals. Said it would be.

Of these infectious diseases, Northern Health has added 79, raising the total authority since March 2020 to 6,442.

Two new COVID-related deaths have occurred, with 1,495 state casualties.

Currently, there are 9,574 active cases across BC, with 332 hospitalized, 102 of whom are hospitalized in the ICU or critical care. Another 15,673 people are under active public health surveillance because they have been exposed to someone who has been diagnosed with the virus.

A total of 98,336 cases have been classified as formally recovered.

People between the ages of 55 and 65 can now be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine at some Prince George pharmacies.

The state announced on March 30 that it will begin offering the Astra Zenena vaccine at 150 local pharmacies within the Vancouver Coastal Health and Fraser Health Areas between the ages of 55 and 65.

On April 3, the state announced that the program would expand to Prince George, Kesnel, Terrace, Dawson Creek, Fort St. John, Kamloops, Kelowna, Nanaimo, Parksville, Vernon and Victoria.

Deployment was planned amid growing global concerns after BC stopped using the vaccine for people under the age of 55. This was associated with a small number of cases in which blood clots appeared in people who received the jab.

If you would like a vaccine, please call the pharmacy below or check your reservation online. Some will accept the carry-on, but residents will be asked to call in advance.

The following Prince George pharmacies are participating in the program.

  • Costco Pharmacy # 158-2555 Range Rd.
  • Heart Drag Mart-6707 DaggRd.
  • Loblaw Pharmacy # 1562-2155 Ferry Avenue.
  • Save-on-Foods Pharmacy # 967, Spruceland-555 Central St. West
  • Shoppers Drug Mart # 0210-Spruce Land Shopping Center
  • Shoppers Drug Mart # 0628-Unit 185 3055 Massey Dr.
  • Shoppers Drug Mart # 2226-College Heights Plaza
  • Shoppers Drug Mart # 2287-6760 Madil Road
  • Third Avenue Pharmacy-14673rd Ave.
  • Walmart Pharmacy # 3651-6565 Southridge Avenue.

Dr. Henry states that the vaccine is effective and encourages residents to take advantage of its availability.

“The AstraZeneca / COVISHIELD vaccine is another important tool in the vaccination program to overcome this surge in COVID-19 cases.

“From the millions of doses used around the world, especially in the UK, it is very effective and the benefit to people over the age of 55 is the very real risk of getting COVID-19. Much better. “

In education Latest List of Schools in Northern British Columbia The following is a list of recent COVID-19 exposure events marked and self-monitoring periods:

  • Dawson Creek Secondary, South Peace Campus (SD59)-March 31, 2021-April 1
  • Robert O’Gilby Elementary (SD60)-March 31, 2021
  • Canalta Elementary School (SD59)-March 29, 2021
  • Prince Rupert Middle (SD52)-March 29, 2021
  • Dawson Creek Secondary, South Peace Campus (SD59)-March 29, 2021
  • Lax Kxeen Elementary (SD52)-March 29-30, 2021
  • Duncan Clan Elementary (SD60)-March 29-30, 2021
  • Devereaux Elementary (SD59)-March 29, 2021
  • Dawson Creek Secondary (SD59)-March 31, 2021
  • Ecole Frank Ross Elementary School (SD59)-March 29, 2021

In all cases, the Northern Health School Exposure section explains:

  • Contact tracing is initiated to determine how an individual was infected and who they were in close contact with.
  • Identify and notify close contacts at high risk and advise self-isolation for 14 days to monitor symptoms
  • Only public health can determine who is a close contact
    • Learning groups, friends, or other connections may not be considered intimate.
  • Public health staff work closely with schools and school districts throughout the case to communicate management processes and maintain close communication with the school community.

-Using files from Nelson Bennett and Tyler Orton Business in Vancouver


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