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How to Isolate Children Exposed to Covid-19 at School | Coronavirus


ping! It’s the email you were afraid of-your child may have been exposed to Covid-19 at school. How do you deal with the next two weeks of quarantine and the fear that your child (or other members of the family) may get sick?

By preparing, the expert says. Here’s what you need to know:

Get ready now

Plan well in advance by setting up a structure in which all families and potential caregivers know their roles and expectations.

Has anyone already been fully vaccinated? That person should be the first choice as a primary caregiver. Allocate backups in case you are left behind by work or other efforts.

Please provide a list of emergency numbers, including family members, health care providers, local public health departments, local hospitals, and ambulance services, just in case.

Build a network of people outside the home, such as extended families, friends, and neighbors, who may unload groceries, medicine, and other last-minute essentials. Dr. Linawen, a CNN medical analyst, said this was especially important for single parents.

Wen, an emergency physician at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the University of George Washington and a visiting professor of health policy and management, said: ..

“If you are isolated from your child while caring for your child, others will help you with food and medicine as needed. If you have a single-parent friend, their backup. Consider helping out. All of this is together and this time we need to help each other. “

Alternatively, investigate whether your local grocery store delivers home delivery, or check your online grocery delivery service and set up an account as a precautionary measure.

Makes the designated bedroom ready for use. If possible, have a private bathroom that no one else will use. Bring all relevant forms of entertainment to your bedroom, including TVs, computers, iPads, books, and even games that you can play on FaceTime and Skype.

Here is a list of the basic consumables you have.

  • An operating thermometer for monitoring heat generation that is considered to be 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.7 degrees Celsius).
  • Antipyretics such as acetaminophen.
  • Box of disposable gloves and face mask made of rubber or latex.
  • Regular soap and at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol-based hand sanitizer (no antibacterial soap required Wash properly, That way, it won’t contribute to the world’s growing antibiotic-resistant super bugs).
  • Tissue that covers sneezing and coughing. But you really don’t have to stock up on toilet paper-this is a respiratory illness.
  • Regular cleaning supplies, kitchen gloves, trash liner.
  • Disinfectant Cleaning Supplies-You can choose from a list to meet US Environmental Protection Agency Antivirus StandardsAlternatively, you can create your own version with 1/3 cup of unexpired bleach per gallon of water, or 4 teaspoons of bleach per quart of water. Do not mix bleach with ammonia or other household cleaners. Poisonous gas is generated.

Pick up your child

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that children be picked up alone from school with the windows open for ventilation. If you have other children, you should mask everyone unless they are under the age of two.

“If possible, wait 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting your car, which will increase the amount of virus in your car’s air.” CDC said..

When your child goes home

First, the CDC advises you to call your child’s healthcare provider to discuss whether your child needs to be evaluated and to decide on options for getting a Covid-19 test.

The next difficult part-isolate your child at home in its separate bedroom and bathroom for 10-14 days. CDC recommended time..

Ideally, Wen says that there is only one primary caregiver who is already fully vaccinated, who cares for the child “in part of the house, without sharing a room with others.” He said.

“Keep everyone else away from child and adult caregivers,” Wen said.

“If there are people in the household who are not vaccinated and are at high risk of serious outcomes from the coronavirus (for example, children with immunodeficiency or elderly people with severe underlying illness), they should be homed. Areas on the other side of the road or without shared public space. “

Again, the age of the child is a factor, according to Wen. Older children may be able to take care of themselves, so caregivers can put food and drink outside the door.

“This will be more difficult if the caregiver needs physical support for a baby, toddler, or younger child,” Wen said.

“Repeat, we appoint one caregiver who is basically isolated from the child. That caregiver is best to wear a mask and wash his hands well to reduce the risk of infection. You can do your best, but avoiding physical distance can be very difficult. You are caring for a young child. “

Do other vaccinated parents at home need to be quarantined? It’s complicated, Wen said.

“The CDC says that fully vaccinated people who are in contact with someone known to have the coronavirus do not need to be quarantined, but in this situation I am careful. I’ll neglect, “Wen said.

She added that designated caregivers are at increased risk of being infected with the coronavirus: “Vaccination significantly reduces the risk, but other people may still be carriers. You shouldn’t interact with people. “

Family members who are fully vaccinated and have no contact with their children will probably be able to engage in daily activities. “But you need to be especially careful during this period. Other children need to be quarantined and not go. If one child is known to be infected, go to school. “

Cover and disinfect

According to Wen, caregivers should wear a face mask whenever they interact with their child, even if you and other adults in your family are fully vaccinated. “Vaccines are very effective in preventing Covid-19, but not 100%.”

Real world research Only 90% of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines have been shown to protect against coronavirus, rather than 95% as reported in clinical trials. In real numbers, 10 in 100 people can catch new coronaviruses even if they are fully vaccinated.

In addition, the CDC recently said, “We are still learning how effective the vaccine is against viral variants,” and “how long can the COVID-19 vaccine protect people?” It was.

Another good idea to reduce the risk is to dilute the virus in the air by opening as many windows and doors as possible to keep the fresh air circulating.

“Long-term staying in a shared space with an actively infected child puts us at risk,” says Wen. “It may not be possible to limit time or physically distance, especially with young children, so open windows to improve ventilation and put on a mask for yourself.”

The main way experts believe that Covid-19 is now prevalent is “direct contact and air sharing”, but by following the following tips from the CDC, you and others in your home You can reduce the risk of.

  • Do not share cups, cups, forks and other tableware.
  • Do not share towels or bedding.
  • Do not shake the dirty clothes of an isolated child to “minimize the possibility of the virus spreading in the air”.
  • Wear disposable gloves when cleaning your child’s bedroom or bath, but throw them before moving on to other cleaning chores. “Clean your hands immediately after removing your gloves,” the CDC said.
  • According to the CDC, we will provide lined trash cans for tissues and other paper and disposable products used by quarantined and sick people. The caregiver said, “You must use gloves to remove the trash bag, handle and dispose of the trash. Wash your hands after handling and disposing of the trash.”
  • Have everyone in the house wash their hands on every occasion. Cleans and disinfects all commonly shared surfaces. Don’t forget the fridge and microwave handles.

Pay attention to the symptoms

The child may have no noticeable symptoms. “Half of childhood infections can be asymptomatic.” CDC says..

When children show symptoms, they are usually mild, but that doesn’t mean the child can’t get seriously ill, the CDC adds.

Like adults, “children with pre-existing conditions such as obesity, diabetes, asthma or chronic lung disease, sickle cell disease, or immunosuppression may also be at increased risk of serious illness due to COVID-19.” The authorities warn.

Possible symptoms of Covid-19 infection are similar to many other viral infections: fever, malaise, headache, muscle and stomach pain, loss of appetite, sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, shortness of breath, You may have nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Some symptoms that appear to be unique to Covid-19 are “Covid toes,” which are swelling of the red or purple toes caused by new loss of taste and smell and small blood clots in the smallest blood vessels.

“Children show many of the same symptoms of Covid-19 infection as adults, but some differences are noteworthy.” American Pediatric Society says..

“According to the CDC, children are less likely to have a fever, are less likely to have fever as an initial symptom, and may only have gastrointestinal symptoms.”

In rare cases, children under the age of 21 may be at risk for MIS-C. Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome.. It is characterized by “persistent fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, mucosal skin lesions, and, in severe cases, hypotension and shock.” According to the CDC..

Parents should pay attention to these symptoms and immediately contact their healthcare provider, emergency room, or 911. Last very important thing: If your child or other family member develops any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately.

  • Dyspnea or increased shortness of breath or sudden difficulty.
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest.
  • No new confusion, signs of oxygen deficiency such as bluish lips or face, or excitement for a sick person.

When can your child return to school?

Keep in close contact with your child’s school and pediatrician as it may depend on the degree of risk the child has when exposed, subsequent symptoms, school policy, etc.

Minimum requirements by CDC Symptomatic children include:

  • It’s been at least 10 days since the symptoms started to appear.
  • The overall symptom improved.
  • The child has no fever for at least 24 hours (without antipyretics).


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