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UK records 1,730 new Covid cases


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An additional 1,730 people tested positive for Covid-19 in the UK today, down a quarter of last week, as the UK prepares to open shops, gyms and pubs tomorrow.

The numbers in today’s case show the lowest daily increase since September-and a 24.7 percent decrease from the 2,589 recorded on this day last week.

Official figures also show that seven more people died after testing positive for Covid-19 today. This is a 30% reduction from the 10 deaths recorded last Sunday.

Declining numbers will put undoubted mountain pressure on Boris Johnson to accelerate his roadmap from the blockade program.

Currently, 6 groups (or 2 households) can meet outside. But starting Monday, outdoor pubs and restaurants are set to reopen their doors, alongside non-essential stores.

Chart, histogram

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More than 50% of the UK’s population continues to be reported in areas with few new Covid cases.

With so few cases of Covid in an area of ​​approximately 4,307 with a total population of 34.5 million, the UK Public Health Service has released data for a month to protect the identities of a small number of people who have tested positive. Is not …

Two new cases may have occurred in the neighborhood, including parts of Devon and Cornwall, but not in the week leading up to April 4.

On the other hand, data has not been released since the end of February at 1,091 locations with a population of 8.2 million.

In total, 20,000 new cases occur each week in England.

During the worst week of the second wave of January, 380,000 cases were seen each week. This is 90% higher than the current number.

During the week, only six of the 6,791 areas had a total of small enough cases that meant that the data needed to be edited to ensure the anonymity of the affected people. The Daily Telegraph Report.

Bumpton, Holcomb, Westley, Lynton, Combe Martin, Cornwall’s Towednack, Lelant, Carvis Bay, Probus, and Roseland in Devon were 10 and 9 weeks, respectively, with no new infections.

Approximately 83.3% of the southwestern region consists of areas with almost zero cases. The southeastern part is 76.8% and the eastern part of England is 74.5%.

However, this decline has not been seen nationwide, with 69.5% of Yorkshire and Hamburg having enough cases for data to be published by the UK Public Health Service.

People Standing In Front Of The Restaurant: Unchecked Covid Hotspots Can Lead To A Third Wave Of Virus If The Country Reopens Too Early, Scientists Warn (File Image)

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Scientists warn that unchecked Covid hotspots could lead to a third wave of viruses if the country reopens too soon (file image)

Professor Lawrence Young of Warwick Medical College said observer:’You need a proper funding system to isolate infected people. We don’t have it and we could soon get back to the problem again. “

Scientists argue that waiting for more people to get vaccinated is a better approach.

A man looking at the camera: Stephen Griffin, an associate professor at the University of Leeds School of Medicine, said,

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“There are too many hotspots of the virus, and not enough attention is being paid to controlling the infections that can spread from them,” said Stephen Griffin, an associate professor at the University of Leeds School of Medicine.

Today’s figures reveal that more than 50 percent of England’s population is in areas where there are virtually no new Covid cases, as Boris Johnson is called upon to lift the blockade sooner.

With so few cases of Covid in an area of ​​approximately 4,307 with a total population of 34.5 million, the UK Public Health Service has released data for a month to protect the identities of a small number of people who have tested positive. Is not …

Two new cases may have occurred in the neighborhood, including parts of Devon and Cornwall, but not in the week leading up to April 4.

On the other hand, data has not been released since the end of February at 1,091 locations with a population of 8.2 million.

The minister follows reports that he plans to use his vaccine passport as a short-term “bridge to freedom” before full herd immunity is achieved in the fall.

Under the plan, all Covid-related restrictions will be relaxed as planned under Johnson’s roadmap on June 21, but the passport will allow the return of the mass rally in the summer.

This includes capacity recovery towards the start of the Premier League season in August.

A group of people jumping in front of a crowd posing towards the camera: Ministers use vaccine passports as a short-term

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Ministers plan to use the vaccine passport as a short-term “bridge to freedom” before full herd immunity is achieved in the fall-the plan is to start the Premier League season in August. This is because it includes the return of the capacity toward

A “Covid status certificate” that indicates whether the owner has recently tested negative for the disease or had antibodies due to either vaccination or past infections shows that a significant proportion of the community is immune to the coronavirus. If you stop the spread, it will be stopped.

A report last week claimed that this herd immunity had already been achieved, but due to careful government predictions, that is now set at the end of October.

Passport use may be restricted to public gatherings such as sporting events and plays, as the logistics of passport use in pubs and restaurants have proven to be formidable.

As one Prime Minister says:’There may be some advantages. But when you look at the practicality of implementing it and the actual usefulness of implementing a system, it’s not worth it.

Bottle close-up: The

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A “Covid Status Certificate” indicates whether the owner has recently tested negative for the disease or had antibodies due to either vaccination or past infections (stock image).

Under the Prime Minister’s roadmap, the larger outdoor sports venue can operate with a capacity of up to 25% from May 17, with a maximum of 10,000 spectators, while Wembley Stadium has a capacity of up to 50% in the second half of the stage. I only have the ability. Of the Euro 2020 match in July. However, passports can pave the way for full-capacity events.

The Minister said: “We are considering starting the season on the first day of the Premiership with 20,000 to 30,000 supporters without a Covid passport, or with a passport or 60,000 other systems.

“It’s obviously still a bit of a mobile feast, but current data suggests that we’ll reach herd immunity in October, so the question is what’s going on in the meantime to manage things like major events. Is it possible?

A senior government source said: “This pandemic has so many moving parts that it’s impossible to know for sure. The uncertainty is beyond winter and may come back, but the data looks good at this point. I will.

A group of people standing in front of a large number of people: Under the Prime Minister's roadmap, larger outdoor sports venues will be able to operate with up to 10,000 spectators, with a capacity of up to 25% from May 17th. (Photo: Crowd in Glastonbury)

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Under the Prime Minister’s roadmap, the larger outdoor sports venue can operate with a capacity of up to 25% from May 17 and has a maximum audience of 10,000 (Photo: Crowd of Glastonbury).

Modeling by University College London last week suggested that the proportion of the population protected from the coronavirus reached 73.4%. A scientific advisory group for emergencies said that 75 percent of the UK needs to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.

But health minister Matt Hancock, who didn’t want to delay the deployment of the government’s vaccine, downplayed the data, saying scientists had told him that the threshold had not yet been reached.

More than 40 Tory lawmakers opposed this idea. In short, Johnson can have a hard time planning through Congress. Ministers discussed with Israeli authorities about the import of green pass scheme technology that would allow vaccinated people and those with Covid to enter places such as concert venues and gyms.

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