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Ottawa has exceeded a total of 20,000 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic


Ottawa-Ottawa Public Health reports that an additional 348 people in the city were COVID-19 positive and another died.

This is the third consecutive day that health authorities have reported more than 300 cases per day in the city. Ottawa Public Health added 370 new cases on Sunday and 325 new cases on Saturday, both of which were daily records.

New figures from OPH bring the total number of pandemic cases in the city to 20,073. Ottawa exceeded 19,000 cases on April 9.

476 residents of Ottawa have died of COVID-19.

State added 4,401 new cases of COVID-19 across Ontario, With 15 additional deaths from the disease and 2,445 newly resolved cases.

The number of people infected with COVID-19 in local hospitals quickly approached 100, and the positive test rate is now close to 10%.

Ottawa’s Key COVID-19 Statistics

Ottawa enters Ontario’s COVID-19 Stay-at-home order April 8th, 12:01 am.

Ottawa Public Health Data:

  • COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people (April 4-10): 173.7

  • Ottawa positive rate: 9.9% (April 5-11)

  • Number of reproductions: 1.41 (7-day average)

Propagation values ​​greater than 1 indicate that the virus has spread and that each case has infected multiple contacts. If it is less than 1, it means that the spread is slow.

Ottawa vaccine

As of April 9:

  • Dosage 1: 167,822

  • Dosage 2: 27,395

  • Total dose received: 223,150

The city received 25,740 Pfizer vaccines, 11,800 Modana vaccines and 11,200 AstraZeneca vaccines during the week of April 4.

Ottawa Public Health Report 157,037 Ottawa residents receive at least one COVID-19 vaccine, which makes up 15% of the population.

Variations of concern

Ottawa Public Health Data *:

  • Total B.1.1.7 (UK variant) Case: 24

  • Total B.1.351 (South African variant) cases: 6

  • Total P.1 (Brazil variant) case: 0

  • Total variants of concern / mutation cases: 2,132

  • Mutation / mutation-related death: 7

* OPH should treat VOC and mutation trends with caution as the time required to complete VOC testing and / or genomic analysis varies following the initial positive test for SARS-CoV-2. Note that there is. Test results may be completed in batches, and data modifications or updates may change the number of cases that may differ from past reports.

Hospitalization of Ottawa

Ottawa Public Health reports that 96 people are currently in hospitals in the Ottawa area with COVID-19-related illnesses.

That’s an increase from 81 people in the hospital on Sunday.

29 people are in the intensive care unit.

Of the hospitalized people, 3 are in their 20s (1 is ICU), 6 are in their 30s (2 are ICU), 6 are in their 40s (1 is ICU), and 22 are in their 50s. (7 in ICU), 23 in their 60s (9 in ICU), 24 in their 70s (8 in ICU), 9 in their 80s (1 in ICU) , 3 are over 90 years old.

Active cases of COVID-19 in Ottawa

The number of active cases of COVID-19 in Ottawa continues to rise to record levels.

The number of active cases of COVID-19 in Ottawa on Saturday was 2,619, an increase from 2,411 active cases on Sunday.

After a positive COVID-19 test, an additional 139 Ottawa residents recovered. Ottawa Public Health reports 16,978 resolved cases of COVID-19 in the capital.

The number of active cases is the total number of COVID-19 cases minus the number of resolved cases and the number of deaths. The case is considered resolved 14 days after the onset of known symptoms or a positive test result.

COVID-19 cases in Ottawa by age

  • 0-9 years: 26 new cases (1,556 in total)

  • 10-19 years old: 26 new cases (2,541 in total)

  • 20-29 years old: 87 new cases (4,504 in total)

  • 30-39 years old: 66 new cases (2,968 in total)

  • 40-49 years: 53 new cases (2,618 in total)

  • 50-59 years: 40 new cases (2,383 in total)

  • 60-69 years old: 23 new cases (1,426 in total)

  • 70-79 years: 22 new cases (836 in total)

  • 80-89 years: 4 new cases (754 in total)

  • 90 years and over: Zero new cases (483 cases in total)

  • Unknown: 1 new case (4 cases in total)

COVID-19 inspection in Ottawa

The next update from the Ottawa COVID-19 Test Task Force will be released this afternoon,

The Ontario government states that 47,929 COVID-19 tests were completed state-wide on Sunday.

Cases of COVID-19 around the area

  • Eastern Ontario Health Units: 38

  • Hastings Prince Edward Public Health: 14 Cases

  • Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Public Health: 22 cases

  • Leeds, Glenville & Lanark District Health Units: 17

  • Renfrew County and District Health Units: 0

  • Utaue (Western Gatineau and Quebec): 290

Institutional outbreak

Ottawa Public Health has reported outbreaks of COVID-19 at 38 Ottawa facilities, including long-term care facilities, elderly housing with care, day care, hospitals, and schools.

New outbreaks have been declared in two schools and one nursery school.

There are 13 active community outbreaks. 7 outbreaks were related to restaurants, 2 outbreaks were related to construction sites, 1 outbreak was related to religious or spiritual organizations, 1 outbreak was related to private social events, One outbreak is related to sports. Recreation, and one linked to the retail workplace.

The schools and childcare spaces that are currently occurring are as follows.

  1. St. Leonardo Elementary School (March 30)

  2. Kanata Research Park Family Center (April 1st) New arrival

  3. Connaught Public School (April 2nd)

  4. Sacred Heart High School (April 3)

  5. La Clementine Education Center (April 6)

  6. Somilk Leak Elementary School (April 6)

  7. De La Decouverte Catholic Elementary School (April 7)

  8. St. Dominic Elementary School (April 7)

  9. Adrienne Clarkson Elementary School (April 8)

  10. Sanguyom Catholic Elementary School (April 8)

  11. Michaëlle Jean Public Elementary School (April 8)

  12. Beatrice-Desloges Catholic High School (April 8)

  13. John McCrae Secondary School (April 8)

  14. Blossom Park Public School (April 9th)

  15. Georges Etienne Cartier Catholic Elementary School (April 9)

  16. Mary Honeywell Elementary School (April 9th)

  17. Edelweiss Private Academy (April 10) New arrival

  18. Gisele Larondo Public High School (April 10) New arrival

  19. Glen O’Gilby Public School (April 10)

Long-term care facilities, retirement homes, hospitals, and other spaces currently occurring are:

  1. Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus (February 19)

  2. University of Ottawa Heart Institute (March 12)

  3. St. Vincent Hospital (March 15)

  4. University of Ottawa Heart Institute (March 21)

  5. Independent living support (March 23)

  6. Long Fields Manor (March 24)

  7. St. Vincent’s Hospital-4N (March 26)

  8. St. Vincent’s Hospital-5N (March 26)

  9. Sisters of Charity (March 28)

  10. Hillel Lodge (March 30)

  11. Group home A-11533 (March 31)

  12. Queen’s Way Carlton Hospital (April 2nd)

  13. Group home A-11965 (April 3)

  14. William E. Hay Center (April 3)

  15. Park Place (April 4th)

  16. Viva Barrhaven Retirement Community (April 5th)

  17. General Campus Warehouse (April 6)

  18. Supported Independent Living Homes (April 9th)

  19. Group home (April 10)

According to Ottawa Public Health, cases identified in a single laboratory of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities, retirement homes, or shelter residents or staff members provoke a developmental response. In a childcare facility, if at least one case of two children, staff, or family members of COVID-19 confirmed in the laboratory within 14 days and at least one case can reasonably acquire the infection in the childcare facility, childcare It is considered to be an outbreak at the facility.

State guidelines define COVID-19 outbreaks in schools as two or more cases of COVID-19 confirmed in the lab by epidemiologically relevant school students and staff within 14 days. I will. The case may have reasonably acquired an infection at school (including transportation and pre- and post-school care).

Cases of two COVID-19 staff or patients identified in the laboratory within a particular hospital unit within 14 days, if both cases may have reasonably acquired the infection in the hospital It is considered to be an outbreak in a public hospital.

This story will be updated. CTV News will be up to date when it becomes available.


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