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Indian “Double Mutant” B.1.617 Coronavirus: Everything You Need to Know


Daily Covid-19 cases in India broke the 1-rak mark for the first time on April 5, and have soared to record ever since. 1,68,912 fresh cases become the second most infected country with coronavirus Globally.

B.1.617 Indian double mutant coronavirusRepresentative image

And India has its own double-mutated coronavirus strain, labeled B.1.617, and here’s everything you need to know about it.

B.1.617: Indian double mutant coronavirus mutant

If you think it’s bad, please forgive me, I even have the news to worry about. Health officials also threaten to carry even a terrifying fate in the second wave Detected A new “double mutant” of coronavirus towards the end of March causes some kind of double pain..

The double mutant is now scientifically named B.1.617 and contains mutations from two separate viral variants, E484Q and L452R.Confirmed in saliva samples taken from people in Maharashtra, Delhi and Punjab..

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According to health experts, the L452R variant was first discovered in the United States, while the E484Q variant is indigenous.

Approximately 10,787 samples from 18 Indian states also showed 771 known variants. There are 736 cases in the UK, 34 cases in South Africa and 1 case in Brazil. However, officials say there is no evidence to prove that it is widespread and that the number of cases of Covid-19 is skyrocketing.

India SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG), a group of 10 national laboratories under the Ministry of Health of India, Identify double mutants After performing genomic sequencing on the latest sample-a test process for mapping the entire genetic code of the virus.

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How dangerous are double mutants

Mutations in the virus are common, and like everyone else, new coronaviruses continue to make small changes as they move from person to person. However, most of these changes are not significant and do not necessarily change the ability to send or cause an infection.

Both mutations tracked across different variants are characterized by their high infectivity and infection rate, which is the first time they have been merged together and many times more. Infectious and deadly..

COVID-19 mutationReuters

Experts believe that double mutants are more infectious, and at the astronomical pace of the second wave, it is possible that new strains are the cause, after all.

“I don’t know if the increase in cases is associated with mutations, but it is possible and needs to be investigated,” said medical expert Shahid Jameel. DW..

The Ministry of Health also issued a statement that new variants could increase infection rates and easily exceed immune defenses. Patients who have already recovered from Covid-19 may be re-infected.

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But if the virus could spread using reinfection, it would “penetrate” herd immunity, said Dr. Jeremy Kamil, a virologist at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Shreveport. .. BBC..

However, the Ministry of Health has denied that the increase in cases is associated with mutations. “VOCs and new double mutants have been found in India, but they have been detected in sufficient numbers to establish or direct a relationship or explain the rapid increase in cases in some states. No, “said the ministry.


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