Women suffer more from zoom fatigue than men

It’s official. Zoom fatigue is real, Women suffer Then stricter than men.
First large scale ever the study After examining the full-scale zoom fatigue, scholars at Stanford University found that women reported feeling more tired than men after a video call.
What’s the cause? It could probably be a “self-view” display.
The· New Stanford Study How Transition from face-to-face meetings The online ones are making a more intense sacrifice among women. According to researcher data, the “zoom fatigue” that results from one day of online meetings is much greater for women than for men.
Evidence showed that 1 in 7 women reported feeling “very” to “very” compared to 1 in 20 men. Tired after zoom call..
The latest findings are consistent with a paper published by researchers at Stanford University. Recently published in the journal Technology, Mind and Behavior We investigated why people feel tired after a video conference.
The latest research proves which cohort of society is most tense — nevertheless, it’s women. The survey surveyed 10,322 participants between February and March this year.Zoom wear and fatigue scaleIs to give you a better understanding of the difference in fatigue caused by long-term use of video conferencing technology over the past year.
Jeffrey HancockA communication professor at the School of Human Sciences believes that the findings will help to better understand how the COVID-19 pandemic affects different groups of people in an imbalance. ..
“I’ve heard stories about zoom fatigue and anecdotal evidence that women are more affected, but there is quantitative data that zoom fatigue is worse for women. More importantly, you can see why. “Hancock said.
“Egocentric attention refers to raising awareness of how a person encounters or appears in a conversation.”
The biggest cause of female fatigue is “Egocentric attentionIs started by the zoom self-view.
Participants were asked questions such as “How worried about seeing yourself during a video conference?” “How distracting is it to see yourself during a video conference?”
Women are more likely to answer questions than men, and previous studies have found that women are more likely to be self-concentrated than men. They are in front of the mirror..
“That long-term self-concentration can create negative emotions, or what researchers call” mirror anxiety, “” Hancock said.
The woman was also tired of the ongoing feeling of being physically “trapped” by the need to stay in the center of the camera’s field of view as video conferencing limits the movement of people. Women also tend to have longer meetings than men, are less likely to take breaks between meetings, and are more tired.
“This gender effect can be seen across several different studies and even after considering other factors. It’s a really consistent finding,” Hancock said.
Gender is not the only factor in whether or not you have experienced zoom fatigue. Any personality type is more likely to feel tired. People with more extroverted bends reported lower levels of fatigue after a zoom call compared to introverts.
Young people also reported a higher level of fatigue compared to older study participants.
Skin color can also determine the zoom fatigue you feel. Researcher data found that racialized individuals reported higher levels of zoom fatigue compared to Caucasian participants.
“We are working to understand what may be causing this racial effect and develop solutions to address it,” Hancock said.
So what is the possible solution to this exhaustion?
Turn off “Self View”. If you really need it, move away from the screen so that you can move around without leaving the screen.
Researchers suggested that companies could hold video-free meetings, provide guidelines on the frequency and length of meetings, and increase breaks between meetings. You can also suggest days when your company does not have video conferencing, or have weekly days when you do not need video conferencing.
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