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LA County remains COVID Orange Tier – NBC Los Angeles, even if the city expands the vaccine to over 16 years old


What you need to know

  • The city of Los Angeles expanded its vaccine eligibility to residents aged 16 and over on Tuesday.
  • Vaccine reservations can be made at the city’s sites at:
  • The site is operated by the city, but is available to all residents of Los Angeles County.

Los Angeles County’s new COVID-19 infection rate has increased slightly compared to last week, according to state-released figures, firmly establishing the county in the orange layer of California’s economic resumption blueprint. I will.

According to weekly state figures released on Tuesday, the average daily 7-day rate for new COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles County was 3.2 per 100,000 inhabitants, a slight increase from 3.1 in the last two weeks. did.

To advance to the less restrictive yellow layer of the state blueprint for a safer economy, the county reached an average daily rate of less than 2 per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by that rate for at least two weeks. Must be maintained. This means that Los Angeles County is guaranteed to stay in the orange layer until at least late April.

The percentage of people in the county who tested positive for the virus has also been stable since last week, as low as 1.5%.

Reaching the yellow layer allows for further relaxation of health restrictions, such as additional capacity in most enterprises.

“Because the infection is moderate in Los Angeles County, we need to continue to take steps to prevent an increase in cases so that recovery does not stagnate,” Barbara Ferrer, director of public health in Los Angeles County, said in a statement. Stated. vaccine. ””

According to Feller, the county has complied with federal warnings and has suspended the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, but residents are being asked to shoot either Pfizer or Moderna.

California COVID-19 vaccination

This map tracks the number of doses administered by the recipient’s county, according to the California Public Health Service.

“Thanks to researchers and scientists working to ensure that all drugs or vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccine, meet the highest safety standards,” she said.

The city of Los Angeles expanded its vaccine eligibility to residents aged 16 and over on Tuesday. Vaccine reservations can be made at the city’s sites at: The site is operated by the city, but is available to all residents of Los Angeles County.

Currently, the city’s site includes a vaccination center in Los Angeles, California. The vaccination center was operated by a partnership between the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Governor’s Emergency Services Department until Sunday. The federal partnership, an eight-week pilot program, ended on Sunday, and the city agreed to take over the operation of the site to ensure continued access to vaccines in the region.

In addition to CSULA, the city also operates sites at San Fernando Park, Hansen Dam, Clenshaw Christian Center, Lincoln Park, Piers Courage, USC University Park, Los Angeles Southwest College, and Dodger Stadium.

All sites are open Tuesday to Saturday from 8am to 4pm. Dodger Stadium only offers reservations this Tuesday through Thursday at 1:00 pm to accommodate home games, but the site remains open until 4:00 pm.

The Los Angeles County-operated vaccination site will not extend to people over the age of 16 until Thursday, when the state officially lowers its eligibility age. The state’s website will be adjusted on Wednesday to allow anyone over the age of 16 to book vaccinations.

Feller said this week that people aged 16 and 17 can only get the Pfizer vaccine. The Pfizer vaccine is the only vaccine approved for young people, so teens should book at a site that offers that particular shot.

The county received 323,470 vaccinations this week as the supply of Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccines fell sharply. This is a decrease of about 80,000 times from last week. Los Angeles County was only assigned about 19,600 J & J doses this week. This is a small part of the total supply.

The county reported another 23 COVID-19 deaths on Tuesday, and Long Beach announced two more, bringing the county’s cumulative death toll during the pandemic to 23,500.

The county reported an additional 448 cases, 29 for Long Beach and 2 for Pasadena, bringing the total pandemic for the entire county to 1,226,627.

According to state statistics, as of Tuesday, 493 people were hospitalized by COVID in Los Angeles County, up from 471 on Monday, and 126 in the intensive care unit, up from 116 the day before. ..

The county’s director of health services, Dr. Christina Garry, said Monday that hospitalizations could actually be artificially high. She may have been infected with COVID a few weeks ago, but people who are currently hospitalized for completely unrelated reasons may still be positive for the virus and are therefore classified as COVID patients. Said.


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