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Vomiting dog epidemic in the UK: Is it a dog variant of the coronavirus?


(Photo: Kevin Frayer / Getty Images) Beijing, China-February 7: A Chinese woman is standing on the street in Beijing, China on February 7, 2020, hugging a dog wearing a protective mask. On Friday, a few days after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global public health emergency, the number of fatal new coronavirus cases in mainland China exceeded 31,000. China continued to block Wuhan City to contain the epidemic of diseases such as pneumonia, which medical professionals confirmed could be passed on from person to person. In an unprecedented move, Chinese authorities have imposed travel restrictions affecting tens of millions of people in cities and other parts of the country where the virus originated. More than 636 people died from the virus in China on Friday, with cases reported primarily in Hubei, in other countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, India and the United States. Kingdom, Germany, France and several others. The World Health Organization has warned all governments to be vigilant and screening is being stepped up at airports around the world. Some countries, including the United States, advise citizens to restrict Chinese travelers from entering the country and ban travel to China.

British veterinarians recorded an increase in dogs that became severely ill with excessive vomiting between December 2019 and March 2020. Experts said the animal coronavirus, which cannot be caught by humans, caused the epidemic.

The outbreak is probably a strain of canine intestinal coronavirus (CeCoVAccording to scientists’ findings, this is not human-infecting and is not the same as SARS-CoV-2, which induces human Covid-19.

Daily Mail He said that outbreaks of dog disease are rare, as reports usually come from domesticated animals rather than stray animals, as animals require visits to veterinarians.

Trabant lovers gather in Zwickau

(Photo: Matthias Rietschel / Getty Images)
Zwickau, Germany-August 23: Chiwawa dogs are waiting in Trabant 601 cars as East German Trabant car fans gather at their seventh annual rally in Zwickau, Germany, August 23, 2014. I will. Hundreds of Trabant enthusiasts spent the weekend praising each other’s cars, exchanging stories and enjoying their activities. The Trabant is a tiny, small car by modern standards, a symbolic car produced in former communist East Germany, and today has strong cult support.

Experts uploaded a study titled “”Outbreak of severe vomiting in dogs associated with canine intestinal coronavirus, UK, “Emerging infectious diseases.

How did experts discover this virus?

After seeing about 40 cases of extreme vomiting in dogs, Daniel Greenberg, a veterinarian in northwest England, contacted colleagues all over the UK.

Greenberg is a co-author of a treatise that explains the causes of the outbreak by combining expert opinion with laboratory research.

Therefore, scientists from the Universities of Liverpool, Lancaster, Manchester, and Bristol distributed 1,258 questionnaires to veterinarians and owners, and distributed clinical samples from 71 species to 95.

Details regarding breed, gender, contraceptive castration status, age, owner’s zip code, and vaccination status were found in electronic health records.

PCR tests showed a sample of sick dogs infected with the intestinal coronavirus in dogs, which is a stomach bug.

Read again: Protect your dog from this tick-borne disease now.Method is as follows

Dog intestinal coronavirus: What are the symptoms?

According to the questionnaire, most dogs were vaccinated and dewormed. Their main symptoms were loss of appetite and vomiting.

According to experts, male dogs are more vulnerable than female dogs, with only 1% of dogs dying after being infected with the virus. Dogs recovered on average within a week.

They also did not find any signs of people suffering from the associated illness.

“In conclusion, this interdisciplinary approach enabled a rapid response to the newly reported outbreak of gastroenteritis in dogs and identified CeCoV as a potential cause,” the researchers wrote in the study. I have.

What are experts going to do about this disease?

Scientists are currently working on SAVSNet-Agile, sponsored by Dog Trust, with the goal of establishing a national surveillance system for dog health.

Dr. Barry Rollingson of Lancaster University Lancashire Live: “We have developed a complex statistical model to look for outbreaks of the disease.

He said the main problem here is to quickly detect an increase in outbreaks without causing false alarms due to the usual random fluctuations.

Dr. Rollingson emphasized the importance of early identification for effective care and monitoring.

According to Dr. Rollingson, the SAVSNet Agile project aims to inform local veterinary clinics and alert them to new outbreaks.

Charlotte Appleton, a SAVSNet agile PhD student, said:

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Check out more news and information about animal Science Times.


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