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Reduced demand for COVID-19 vaccination in Yellowstone County


Billings — Almost half of last week’s 2,400 free Yellowstone County COVID-19 vaccination appointments weren’t filled last week due to declining vaccine demand in Yellowstone County, Reversetone Health said on Wednesday I confirmed it in.

Another Sign of Declining Demand: RiverStone Health Announced on Wednesday The Community Vaccination Clinic will be integrated from two clinics into one in the Shrine Auditorium in Billings from April 19th.

As of Wednesday, about a quarter (258,190) of all Montanans have been fully vaccinated, according to the state’s COVID-19 tracker. A total of 608,990 doses have been administered throughout the state.

According to the US Census BureauAbout a quarter of Montana’s adult population hesitates to vaccinate COVID-19, regardless of manufacturer.

According to data collected at the end of March, about 26% of Montana people were hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Of that group, 13% were “absolutely not” to be vaccinated and 13% were “probably not” to be vaccinated.

The main reason people hesitated was that they were worried about side effects and were planning to wait to see if it was safe. According to the Census Bureau, 15% of adults nationwide are hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine. To make sure that the data is split into maps, including tolerances click here.

The RiverStone Health and Yellowstone County Unified Health Command continue to encourage everyone who can be vaccinated to delay spread and protect themselves and others from COVID-19.

Yellowstone County still has a lot of vaccines available for people over the age of 16. Reservations can be made this week on April 17, 19 and 20.Schedule appointments can be done online You must scroll down to find links to the MetraPark Clinics and each Shrine Clinic. Some are on page 2. You can also book at 406.651.6596 by phone by 5 pm on Friday, April 16th.

I also have a state Allow teens 16 and 17 years old From a suburban county to get the vaccine in Yellowstone County. Teens outside the county require the presence of a parent or guardian to sign the consent form and are given the approved Pfizer vaccine to people over the age of 16. Parents can make a reservation by calling 406-651-6415.

on Tuesday, The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has “recommended a suspension” of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine in the United States. on Monday, RiverStone Health has vaccinated approximately 140 doses of J & J vaccines to students at the University Vaccination Clinic in Billings, MSUB and Rocky Mountain College. 140 of the J & J doses were to be given the day after the CDC was suspended.

The CDC Advisory Board meets on Wednesday to meet A blood clot was found Six women 6 to 13 days after Johnson and Johnson vaccination. The Commission took no action and left the Johnson & Johnson vaccine suspended. Cite the need for more information For blood clots.

RiverStone Health confirmed on Wednesday, the remaining J & J doses have shelf lives ranging from May to June. The staff keeps them for now. Most of River Stone’s vaccine supply from the state has come from either Pfizer or Moderna since the COVID-19 vaccine. First started arriving In the county at the end of last year.

Relation: What to know if you receive a J & J shot before the authorities say you want to suspend the vaccine


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