Physical inactivity associated with death from COVID; here are some tips for becoming more active
Key Point
- A new study found a link between lack of physical activity and severe COVID-19
- Adults do the recommended amount of physical activity each week to stay healthy
- Below are some tips for adding physical activity to your daily life
New studies show that physically inactive patients are more likely to experience severe COVID-19. How can people incorporate more activities into their lifestyles?
For them ResearchThe research team, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, compared the cases of 48,440 adult COVID-19 patients from January 1, 2020 to October 21, 2020. Examining hospitalization rates, ICU hospitalizations, and mortality rates, researchers found that: People who were “inconsistently active” were at increased risk of being hospitalized, admitted to the ICU, and dying compared to patients who regularly met physical activity guidelines.
Apart from being older and having a history of organ transplantation Lack of exercise Even when compared to other risk factors such as obesity, smoking and high blood pressure, it was considered the “strongest risk factor for serious COVID-19 outcomes”.
“We recommend that efforts to promote physical activity be prioritized by public health agencies and incorporated into routine health care,” the researchers write.
Physical activity guidelines
2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans 2nd Edition Recommended Adults perform at least 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity activity or 75 minutes of intense aerobic activity per week, plus at least two muscle-building activities per week. This also applies to older people, but the level of effort needs to be adjusted according to their level of fitness.
“Adults need to move more and sit less often throughout the day,” the guidelines say. “Some physical activities are better than nothing. Adults who sit less and do a lot of moderate to intense physical activity can get some health benefits.”
So how can people add more physical activity to their daily lives? Here are some tips:
Just move
People may not notice it, but some of what they do every day may also be counted as physical activity. In fact, even gardening is considered one of the American Heart Association (AHA). Said..
Other activities, such as biking, swimming, and playing sports, are also considered aerobic exercise because they can increase your heart rate and sweat people. For those who are just starting out, AHA recommends walking. This is because it’s a simple activity that you can perform “on the fly” and anywhere.
The idea is Get activity, Better than nothing, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Said..
Divide the activity into smaller chunks
Getting 150 minutes of physical activity can sound daunting, but keep in mind that this can be split and distributed throughout the week. For example, someone might choose to walk 5 days a week for 30 minutes and then do weight training for the other 2 days. Another option is to go for more active activities, but only a few days a week, the CDC Suggestion..
The activity may even be divided into smaller “chunks” throughout the day, the agency said. Even moving for 5 minutes each time is effective.
It’s okay to start small and build up more active activity over time. However, people with chronic illness, overweight, or inactivity should consult their healthcare provider to see which activities are better suited to them before starting the routine. Please note in particular.
Be more conscious and make better choices
One easy way to add physical activity to your lifestyle is to make choices that encourage them. For example, instead of taking an elevator, take the stairs. At the University of New Hampshire, whether you’re vacuuming or washing dishes, be more aware of your posture and the muscle groups you’re using when doing household chores. Said In the post.
“Listen to music while doing household chores to increase exercise. Dance adds some activity to your day and some fun to your chores,” said the university.
Even simple things like doing push-ups and jumpjacking before getting ready for work can bring your activity into your daily life. Wearing a pedometer can also help you notice that some people tend to sit down. Instead of sitting for long periods of time, you can probably get up and walk around every hour and take a break from inactivity.
There are many ways to start introducing physical activity into your life, and the CDC recommends choosing an activity that suits your abilities and something you can enjoy. As such, it will be easier to stick to it for a long time.
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