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Coronavirus: This Canadian doctor is treating a COVID-19 patient in a hospital-filled Bolivia

Coronavirus: This Canadian doctor is treating a COVID-19 patient in a hospital-filled Bolivia


Toronto-ICU beds fill in several states, BC doctors warn that hospitals could be overwhelmed by May, Ontario relocates 1,000 nurses Additional ICU beds have been placed and hospitalizations in Quebec are increasing.

One Canadian doctor knows what that means. Dr. IvarMendez has spent the last four months in Bolivia. In Bolivia, a complete hospital treats some COVID-19 patients at home.

Apart from his usual job as state surgery director at the University of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Health Department, Mendes returned to his home in Bolivia and led the initiative to provide remote virtual care.

“We have implemented a system that allows anyone with a cell phone or tablet to communicate their decisions. The cell phone or tablet can also communicate with the pulse oximeter via Bluetooth technology. A pulse oximeter puts a finger in to monitor oxygen saturation. Mendes told CTV in a telephone interview Wednesday.

The hospital is overwhelmed and the patient can’t go anywhere, so the family takes care of it.

“You are at home, taking care of your dad, for example, but in direct contact with your doctor,” he added.

One of the problems Bolivia faces throughout the pandemic is the lack of liquid oxygen, but an oxygen generator that draws oxygen from the air solves that problem and allows patients to put them at home.

“You can use these oxygen concentrators to hire a doctor to direct patient care at home,” he said.

The patient only needs a smartphone or tablet, and Mendes and his colleagues provide what he calls peripherals: pulse oximeters, thermometers, and digital stethoscopes.

“This relatively simple technique has saved many lives,” Mendes said.

The pulse oximeter allows doctors to remotely monitor the patient’s oxygen levels and virtually adjust the oxygen concentrator. A digital stethoscope allows doctors to hear chest and heart sounds from a few kilometers away. A digital thermometer can also be used by a doctor to see if a patient’s temperature has changed.

“Three simple peripherals made a big difference,” he added.

Preliminary data show that home care may have even better results for some patients.

“You have your family who are in continuous care of you, and you are not exposed to other illnesses,” he said.

This is not the first attempt by Mendes to enter remote care. His research on this topic began in Canada.

“The reason I went to Bolivia was because of the remote care work I had done earlier in Saskatchewan and Halifax for poorly serviced people in the distance,” he said.

Mendes and his team used robotics early in the pandemic to provide care to pregnant women in remote indigenous communities in Saskatchewan. To prevent parents from having to travel all the way to the city for prenatal care, robotic ultrasound guides remote patients and robotic arms with those who interpret ultrasound in Saskatoon or Regina. It was done together.

“We can provide complex diagnostic imaging completely remotely,” he said. “The expertise is in the city, the radiologist’s interpretation is in the city, but the patient does not have to move out of the community.”

And he uses the same idea in Bolivia. Patients do not have to travel to get medical care, their smartphones bring it to their homes.


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