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The first few months of the pandemic did not cause an increase in suicide in 21 countries, including New Zealand-Study | 1 News

The first few months of the pandemic did not cause an increase in suicide in 21 countries, including New Zealand-Study | 1 News
The first few months of the pandemic did not cause an increase in suicide in 21 countries, including New Zealand-Study | 1 News


A new study found that the start of the Covid-19 pandemic did not cause an increase in suicide numbers in many countries, including New Zealand.

Covid-19 Lockdown person (file photo). Source:

However, as the ongoing effects of the pandemic continue, he states that people’s mental health needs to be monitored.

so A treatise published in The Lancet Psychiatry Yesterday, researchers found that in 21 countries, the number of suicides was almost unchanged or reduced compared to what was expected.

Researchers examined statistics for high- and middle-income countries from January to October last year. We found that New Zealand’s suicide numbers throughout 2020 were only about 79% of expectations.

last year, New Zealand’s suicide rate fell to its lowest in three years. In the year to June 30, 654 committed suicide, compared to 685 the previous year.

Twelve of the 21 countries, including Australia, Canada, South Korea, Germany and parts of the United States, also recorded fewer suicides in 2020 than expected.

Sarah Fortune, a senior lecturer at the University of Auckland and a suicide prevention researcher, told 1 NEWS that the findings are promising, as they have shown that positive action can prevent suicide.

Fortune, who analyzed New Zealand in the study, said researchers continue to try to understand what can be done to keep reducing these numbers.

“Here in New Zealand and internationally, countries that have had important financial support packages for members of the Covid-19 affected community seem to be helpful.”

Fortune said the positive message about investing in programs to support unity and well-being against the virus also seemed “promising.”

“I think we really hope that significant progress in important cooperation will have a positive effect on suicide prevention. These measures that seem to have had really positive consequences. Now we need to think about the sustainability of suicide, “Fortune said.

“It’s not about minimizing the experience of those who lost their loved ones to suicide during the period. What we need to pay attention to now is that it has been and will continue to be influenced by the outcome of the experience. Supporting different members of the affected community.

“We know that suicide is not evenly distributed throughout our community as a means. Some communities are overburdened and commit suicide. In Aotearoa, with Maori. Includes people who are financially struggling. “

The authors of the paper said that the impact of pandemics on people’s well-being may not be immediately apparent, and that suicide statistics were not the only indicator of people’s mental health. We also do not look at data from low- and middle-income countries, which account for just under half of the world’s suicides.

The study also stated that further research is needed to accurately determine how mental health and financial support in many countries have affected improving people’s well-being. ..

In May, a social media post spread by word of mouth, claiming that there were 61 suicides a week due to the blockade.The Mental Health Foundation and Chief Coroner have accused the post of: Irresponsible, not truth..

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Sean Robinson, CEO of the Mental Health Foundation, said the findings may seem counter-intuitive, but evidence from events such as natural disasters and wars is at least initially of people’s. He said he showed that mental health tended to improve.

Sean Robinson, Chief Executive Officer of the Mental Health Foundation.Source: Breakfast

“Major natural disasters, and the Covid-19 as a pandemic, are definitely that, and they tend to create the feeling that everyone is together.”

During the blockade, people were also actively encouraged to take financial support, stay connected and exercise, and take other measures to care for their mental health.

“So we were really encouraged to do a lot of things to prove that science really helps our mental health and well-being,” Robinson said.

“For some people [lockdowns] For many, that meant they were actually spending more time with their families and Farnau.

However, according to Robinson, this phenomenon tended to be short-lived.

“After the” survival period “and” hero period “where we are all gathered, the reality that life does not return to what it used to be, the stress that hit people, or the reappearance of new or old things. Come back to bite us. “

Research commissioned by the Mental Health Foundation He said he had already begun to show this. According to data collected in December, 25% of adults are “in poor health.” This was up to 26% when the data was collected again in February.


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“This is probably the highest estimate of mental distress at the moment I know. It tends to indicate that by the end of 2020, the impact on people’s mental health began to become quite important. there is.”

He said it didn’t help that mental health services couldn’t keep up with rising demand after “being neglected for decades.”


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He also said the Ministry of Health lacks the latest data to assess the level of mental health needs.

“That’s why the service is very unresponsive. The government is working on introducing new services, but it’s a bit like installing a bucket chain before the tsunami,” he said.

However, Robinson added that it was possible to stay ahead of the pain. In the same study, charities found that adopting behaviors such as eating healthy, connecting with friends and family, and taking time to relax increased the likelihood that people would report better well-being. Did.

“We need to continue building [mental health] The service will be backed up. But we can’t do that in a short period of time. Sure, we can’t meet the demands of Covid-19, “he said.

“Therefore, the only realistic response is to really focus on what people in the community can do to take care of their mental health and well-being.

“The light at the end of the tunnel is that we know science. Research shows that this works and we can do it. The will from the government to make it happen. And resources, and understanding. “

It’s coming as the government announced this morning that it will roll out a $ 28 million in-school mental health and welfare program to Northland, South Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Rotorua, Taupo, and the West Coast.

The program, Mana Ake, was founded after the increase in the number of children with mental illness after the Canterbury and Kaikouura earthquakes. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the aim was to intervene and build resilience early in the youth’s pre-crisis.

She said this would have a positive spillover effect as they reached adulthood.

In the 2020 budget, in addition to the 2019 budget of $ 1.9 billion, $ 40 million was invested in funding free mental health services over a four-year period.


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