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U.S. Department of Justice Supports Extension of Ban on Fentanyl Counterfeit Products


Packets of predominantly powdered fentanyl and methanephetamine, which the U.S. Customs and Border Protection said had seized from a truck from Mexico to Arizona during a press conference at Nogales, Arizona, on January 31, 2019 It is on display. Courtesy Distributing by US Customs and REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS-This image was provided by a third party. / File photo

The U.S. Department of Justice has expressed support for a seven-month extension of the ban on illicit mimicked versions of fentanyl, a powerful synthetic analgesic that is driving the opioid epidemic in the United States.

Without parliamentary action, a temporary ban on all variants of fentanyl, a drug 100 times more potent than morphine, would expire on May 6. A 7-month extension to prevent the expiration of this important law enforcement tool. “

Since 2018, the US Drug Enforcement Administration has sought to crack down on the growth of chemical analogs of fentanyl, known as “analogs,” by classifying them as so-called Schedule 1 drugs. In other words, it is highly addictive like heroin and is used for medical purposes.

Fentanyl is associated with a large number of deaths as the United States fights the opioid epidemic decades ago. Many of the fentanyl analogs that flooded the streets of the United States were manufactured in China or Mexico.

DEA under Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump urged Congress to make a temporary ban on all fentanyl chemical copycats, block imports, and prosecutors file drug trafficking cases I made it easier.

Prior to the class-wide ban, the DEA and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had to conduct a rigorous scientific study of individual new variants of fentanyl found on the street before adding to Schedule 1.

Congress has advocated criminal justice and some researchers, such actions make it difficult for scientists to get approval for research on substances, leading to mass imprisonment of low-level drug dealers and addicts. He opposed making the ban permanent, with concerns that it could lead.

A statement from the Department of Justice acknowledged these concerns and stated that it was intended to “address the mandatory minimum requirements (punishment) and legitimate concerns related to researchers’ access to these substances.” ..

“It’s good for the Biden administration to admit that the ban is working,” a Republican aide to the Senate Judiciary Committee said in a statement. “Permanent amendments to reduce synthetic fentanyl imports, overdose and prosecution into Congress.”

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