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If you want it to work for Covid, check the compatibility of the double mask.

If you want it to work for Covid, check the compatibility of the double mask.


This is because the additional protection provided by double masking is not to add a layer of fabric, but to eliminate gaps in the mask and areas of poor fit. University of North Carolina School of Medicine. The study was published on Friday At JAMA Internal Medicine.

“We found that wearing two loosely-fitted masks did not fit as well as one … less filtering effect than the mask,” Sickbert Bennett said in a statement. ..

“The best kind of double masking is when you and the person you are interacting with are wearing the right masks,” she said.

Double masking usually involves placing a disposable surgical or medical mask underneath the cloth mask.

A man walking in Times Square, New York City, wears a double mask.
Disposable surgical mask Made of 3 layers Usually of plastic non-woven fabric. The colored top layer of the fabric is made of medical grade spunbond polypropylene. This is a resin polymer that is heat-bonded to a web-like structure. Surgical masks are made of nose wire that can be used to fit the mask well on the face (and protect the glasses from fogging).
According to the CDC, to improve the fit of a disposable mask, tie the ear loops where they join the edges of the mask, fold the unwanted material and push it under the edges. CDC has a video Here I’ll show you how.
When you choose your cloth mask, it should be a tightly woven two or three layers of cloth, Studies show.. Use a light test to check the weave. If you can easily see the contours of the individual fibers when the mask is exposed to light, it may not be effective.
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According to the CDC, choose a cloth mask with a nose wire and “bend the nose wire over your nose to bring it closer to your face.”

Place both masks on the bridge of the nose, under the chin, flatten the face and along the skin. “Cloth masks require the edges of the disposable mask to be pressed against the face,” says the CDC.

Important Note: Do not stack two disposable masks on top of each other. They are “not designed to fit tightly, and wearing more than one doesn’t improve the fit,” says the CDC.

In addition, do not have two layers KN95 type mask, CDC warns. KN95 masks are not certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, but are offered by several manufacturers of KN95 masks. Emergency use authorization Used in US medical practice.

Please check conformity

Here’s how to check if your mask fits properly: According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention..
  • Place your hands on the face around the outer edge of the mask.
  • Inhale and exhale to make sure there is no air flowing near your eyes or from the sides of the mask.
  • If the mask fits well, you may be able to see warm air coming in and out of the front of the mask and the mask material coming in and out as you breathe.
  • Remember that this will not work if you pull the mask down to cover your nose. Always leave it completely masked.

The CDC suggests that men shave or at least trim their beards near their faces. “Masks designed for bearded people are valued and will be informed when they become available,” the CDC said.

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If you have a fit problem, the CDC recommends that you consider a mask fitter. Or prevent air from leaking around the edges of the brace or mask.

A mask fitter is a small frame-like device, usually made of solid or elastic plastic. Place it on the mask and secure it to your face with a head tie or ear loop. These devices are reusable and should be thoroughly cleaned after each use.

When used properly, mask filters can provide enhanced protection “against aerosols in the size range considered most important for SARS-CoV-2 infection”. This is the virus that causes Covid-19. CDC said.
Clean the mask properly and dispose of it. Surgical masks are for one-time use and should be carefully discarded and replaced if they are dirty. The US Food and Drug Administration said.
The· CDC is recommended Store dirty cloth masks in a sealed plastic bag until they are washable.

“Wash wet and dirty masks as soon as possible to prevent mold growth. Wet masks are difficult to breathe and are less effective than dry masks,” says the CDC.

According to the CDC, dry the mask completely in a warm or hot dryer, or “dry it completely in direct sunlight. If it is not exposed to direct sunlight, hang it or lay it flat to dry it completely. “.


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