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Studies show that double masking can be powerful in protecting people from Covid

Studies show that double masking can be powerful in protecting people from Covid
Studies show that double masking can be powerful in protecting people from Covid


A new study by the University of North Carolina at Healthcare shows that wearing two face covers filters SARS-CoV-2 sized particles to prevent them from reaching the wearer’s nose and mouth and causing COVID-19. It has been shown that the effect is almost doubled.

The findings published at JAMA Internal Medicine also state that the reason for the enhanced filtration is not to add too many layers of cloth, but to eliminate gaps and incompatible areas in the mask.

“Medical procedure masks are designed to have very good filtration capacity based on their material, but the way they fit the face is not perfect,” said Emily Sickbert, associate professor of infectious diseases at UNC School of Medicine. Dr. Bennett said. Lead author of the study.

To test the adaptive filtration efficiency (FFE) of various masks, UNC researchers collaborated with James Samet, PhD, and colleagues at the USEPA Human Research Facility on the UNC Chapel Hill campus. So how effective they are in filling a 10-foot x 10-foot stainless steel exposure chamber with a small salt particle aerosol and having researchers wear a combination of masks to keep the particles away from the respiratory space. I tested.

Metal sample ports were attached to individual masks or combinations of layered masks. This port was attached to the tube of an exposure chamber that measures the concentration of particles entering the respiratory space under the researcher’s mask. The second tube measured the ambient concentration of particles in the chamber. Researchers determined FFE by measuring the particle concentration in the respiratory space under the mask compared to the particle concentration in the chamber.

“We also had researchers in the chamber perform a series of range-of-motion activities, simulating typical movements that a person might perform throughout the day. Bending, talking, left, right, Look up and down, “said Dr. Philip Clap, an inhalation toxicologist at UNC School of Medicine, who has been testing Sickbert Bennett and Mask FFE since the beginning of the pandemic.

According to their findings, mask baseline conformance filtration efficiency (FFE) varies from person to person due to each person’s unique face and mask fit. However, in general, a procedure mask that does not change the fit is about 40-60 percent effective in preventing COVID-19 size particles. Cloth masks are about 40 percent effective.

Their recent findings on doubling face masks show that placing a cloth mask on top of a surgical mask improved FFE by about 20% and further with a snug-fitting sleeve-type mask such as gaiters. I will. A cloth mask can be layered on top to eliminate gaps, bring the procedure mask closer to the face, and keep the nose and mouth covered for a better fit. When the procedure mask was worn over the cloth mask, the FFE improved by 16%.

“We found that wearing two loose-fitting masks did not provide the same filtering effect as one snug-fitting procedural mask,” says Sickbert-Bennett. “And the current data to support how effective mask wearing is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is that you and the person you are interacting with are each wearing a mask that fits very well. When you are, there is the best kind of double masking. “”

This story was published from a news agency feed without changing the text. Only the heading has changed.

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