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COVID-19 latest update: Dallas residents found dead at home, latest casualties from coronavirus


More than 3,000 coronavirus cases have been reported in Dallas County since health authorities began reporting test results.

The Dallas resident found dead at home was COVID-19, according to Dallas County health officials.

Health officials reported 105 new positive cases of the new coronavirus on Sunday and one new death – a man in his 50s.

Authorities did not reveal when the man died or had underlying illness.

More than 3,000 coronavirus cases have been reported in Dallas County since health authorities began reporting test results.

The coronavirus-related death toll is 82 in the county. About 40% of these deaths are associated with nursing homes.

A total of 24,631 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Texas. Of those, 648 Texas died.

Relation: Timeline: Tracking the spread of COVID-19 in Texas

Main updates on Sunday, April 26:

  • The owner of the Dallas Salon “Resume Texas” Rally At Frisco on Saturday. She broke a quote she received from reopening her business in breach of state-wide and rural home orders.
  • New guidelines for using Katy Trail I will continue this weekend. Residents with surnames starting with M to Z can access the trail on Sundays.
  • of National Capital Poison Center Phone calls from hand sanitizers and people exposed to disinfectants have surged since March compared to the same time last year, according to the report.

Ellis County, 1 dead, 6 new cases reported

Ellis County officials reported Sunday that a 92-year-old resident of Waxahachie’s Legend Oaks Healthcare and Rehabilitation died at COVID-19.

Authorities also reported six new cases of the new coronavirus and four recovery from the disease.

In Ellis County, five people have been killed and a total of 147 have been associated with the disease.

A 48-year-old woman from Midlothian and a 49-year-old man were diagnosed, as well as a 27-year-old woman and a 4-year-old boy living in the same household in Red Oak.

The other two Red Oak residents were positive-a 48-year-old man and a 83-year-old woman.

Relation: Here is a case of coronavirus confirmed in Ellis County

Rockwall County reports five new cases

Health officials reported another five cases of COVID-19 in Rockwall County.

Two of those cases are Roy’s City residents in their 50s. Officials said the three were 70’s and 80’s Rockwall residents.

A total of 70 coronavirus cases have been aggregated in the county.

Relation: MAP: These are the cases of COVID-19 confirmed in the Dallas / Fort Worth area.

Two prisoners in Texas prison died at COVID-19

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice reported this weekend that two prisoner prisoners died of the new coronavirus.

One of the men, 63-year-old Timothy Baslowx, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for worsening sexual assault in Ellis County. He died on April 23, a few days after being taken to the hospital with shortness of breath. Prison officials said he had tested positive for COVID-19.

Bazulox had “many existing health conditions,” officials said.

The second 65-year-old Harold Dean Wilson also died on April 23. He had been sentenced to 20 years in prison for possessing child pornography in Randall County. He was taken to the hospital on April 18, where he tested positive.

Prison officials said there were eight deaths under investigation that could be due to the coronavirus. The other two deaths under investigation were found not to be related to COVID-19. Authorities did not say when or where those deaths occurred.

A total of 806 inmates have been tested positive for this disease, as well as 294 TDCJ employees.

Relation: Doctors testify that social distance in Dallas County prisons is “key to control” the spread of COVID-19

Health professionals recommend the following actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Avoid close contact with sick people.
  • Practice “social distance” and stay at least 6 feet from others to avoid large public gatherings
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue and throw it in the trash.
  • Use regular household cleaning sprays or wipes to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Follow the CDC recommendations for using face masks.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water more than 20 seconds often, especially after going to the bathroom. Before meals; after blowing nose, coughing or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. If your hands are clearly soiled, always wash your hands with soap and water.
  • If you are planning a trip outside the United States, check the CDC Travel website for travel tips and procedures.

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