NHS nurses pass through the Wolverhampton coronavirus testing site, waiting for the next patient. (Photo by Christopher Furlong / Getty Images) British scientists have developed a “game-changing” immune test in the battle […]" /> NHS nurses pass through the Wolverhampton coronavirus testing site, waiting for the next patient. (Photo by Christopher Furlong / Getty Images) British scientists have developed a “game-changing” immune test in the battle […]"> Coronavirus: British scientists develop "breakthrough Covid-19 antibody test" - ExBulletin
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Coronavirus: British scientists develop “breakthrough Covid-19 antibody test”


Fingerprick test can tell if a person has coronavirus antibody in just 20 minutes

Sunday, April 26, 2020, 9:57 pm

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NHS nurses pass through the Wolverhampton coronavirus testing site, waiting for the next patient. (Photo by Christopher Furlong / Getty Images)

British scientists have developed a “game-changing” immune test in the battle against Covid-19. It is claimed that by June people may start returning to work.

The government is reported to have ordered the production of up to 50 million tests, created by Oxford scientists working for the government-supported Rapid Test Consortium.

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The £ 10 test uses fine blood and lets you see if a user has a coronavirus antibody in just 20 minutes. Similar to a pregnancy test, if a person has antibodies, two lines will be displayed. One line means either vulnerable to a coronavirus infection or the test failed.

Manufacturer is “step up”

Health Secretary Bethel told The Daily Mail: “This is a great story about how our manufacturers have taken the challenge of Covid, and I hope their products will fight this horrific disease. I hope it will make an impact. “

However, any move that gives people an “immune passport” can face criticism from the World Health Organization, which warns that people who have recovered from the virus have no evidence that they are protected from secondary infections. .

WHO said on Saturday: “At this point in the pandemic, there is not enough evidence about the effectiveness of antibody-mediated immunity to guarantee the accuracy of an” immune passport “or” risk-free certificate “. “

Testing needs more validation

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Tests are being developed (Photo Getty)

Those who consider it resistant to reinfection may ignore public health advice, arguing that the use of certificates may increase the risk of continued viral infection. He also said that testing for antibodies requires “further verification to determine their accuracy.”

The UK’s Rapid Testing Consortium is expected to generate up to 1 million “lateral flow” tests in a week by summer and add up to 50 million tests by next year.

Consortium leader Jonathan Alice told the email: Now it’s just a matter of scaling up the manufacturing process. “

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